Maggie May

Maggie May

Royal Court, Liverpool
Until 10th November 2018

Reviewed by Jennifer Walker

Bob Eaton and Sayan Kent’s Maggie May tells the story of a young Irish girl, Maggie, on her way to New York via Liverpool, when a lost bag changes the direction of her life. With Howard Grey as musical director, each stage in her life is marked with a song, sometimes cheeky, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, but always simply wonderful.

Maggie, played by the supremely talented Christina Tedders, sings her way through her change in circumstance beautifully. A chance meeting with Charlie, played by the always charismatic and equally talented Michael Fletcher, ignites a spark that leads to young love, and Sundays spent dreaming of a future that is sadly torn away from her. Her bag, with all her money and worldly possessions gets stolen, despite Charlie warning her to be careful, and it’s from here she meets the characters of Liverpool as her plan evaporates and the real-world comes knocking.

Forced to take work as a maid under the supervision of Mrs Bird, played by the well know Cheryl Fergison, she works for Mr Campbell, played by the delightful Tom Conner.

Maggie begins an affair with him, starting down the road that eventually takes her into the world’s oldest profession.

Throughout the play some darker themes are played side by side with more upbeat ones, and there are some real harrowing songs that leave the hairs on your arms standing on end. When Tedders sang with Katia Sartini, Paislie Reid and Barabara Hockey they touched on so many powerful themes it was genuinely moving.

The entire cast had the audience captivated as they tapped and clapped along, but special mention must go to Tedders, who completely held the audience in the palm of her hand as she took them on her journey, from a naïve young catholic girl to the depths of despair and back to hope again. She was marvelous and made Maggie May a must-see show.

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