Burjesta Theatre presents...All Quiet on the Western FrontErich Maria Remarque's classic anti-war novel brought to the stageEurope 1914. The outbreak of hostilities begins World War I. Paul Baumer and his school mates enlist in the German army and soon find themselves alongside millions of others fighting on the Western Front. None could have imagined the horrors they are to experience... And none of them will return home quite the same... Where and When:The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ Performance Dates - November: 7.30pm, Adults only. We are also showcasing local artists, photographers, painters, work relating to World War I in The Casa for the duration of the shows. * Please note their will be a Q & A session after the performance of Monday 17th with participation of war veterans from Tom Harrison House as well as the director and the adapter of the play. For further information:Email: info@burjesta-theatre.co.uk Follow us at:Website: www.burjesta-theatre.co.uk
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