Become The Media
of new course
Thursday 5th March 2015 at 1pm
Leaf Cafe, Bold Street
Write features that make a difference
On March 5th Nerve Magazine and WEA will be providing an introduction
to two new courses. With increased access to various forms of media available
to everyone, both courses will aim to look at why the old media still
provides such an influence and how we can challenge it with fresh and
positive ideas that genuinely impact on peoples’ lives. The courses
will provide you with support and advice to produce features, interviews
and marketing that are not only suitable for wider publication but will
create interest and attract attention.
Working with Nerve Magazine the aim will be for everyone to produce a
piece of work that will be promoted on the site. We will also be working
towards producing material with you on an ongoing basis that will be placed
online and in print. Everyone has great ideas but this is a chance to
see how these ideas can matter to other people and communities.
The taster session will outline the two aspects of the courses; turning
ideas into features and challenging how the media creates negative stereotypes.
All experiences welcome. (1pm start)