Call for artwork for exhibition on the 2015 election campaign
GALLERY is looking for artists responses to all the bullshit we have endured
during the 2015 election campaign.
THE BULLSHIT GALLERY is what we are calling the act of displaying artworks
of all media at DumBULLS, 2 Dublin Street, Liverpool, L3 7DT.
Providing exhibition space alongside live music is a vital element of
what we do in previous DROP spaces, so we are hoofing out the idea again,
starting with THIS!
All work received will create 'BULLSHIT' the first exhibition at the
Bullshit Gallery, The (dum)Bull(s), Liverpool!.
We are interested in work in all mediums, sound, visual etc etc
All work will be auctioned off and proceeds will be donated to the service
most cut in Liverpool under the current government.
Email moshellwren@yahoo.co.uk or through our Facebook page -
Deadline for entries is 30th May.
Exhibition opens 6th June 2015.