2009: Capital Of Crisis?
As Liverpool hands the Capital of Culture baton over to Vilnius and
Linz, the city’s economy is in for an extremely tough year. Top
council leaders claim Liverpool is in particularly good shape to ride
out the global economic collapse, but statistics and analysis show they
could not be further from the truth.
By -
The Crisis Of Capital
Before we look at local conditions, it is important to examine the worldwide
trauma which is starting to affect Liverpool. People in the mainstream
media have a way of making economics seem more complicated than it actually
is, so here is the problem, as simply as I can put it.
A manufacturing business makes a profit when it is able to sell things
made by its employees. This profit is effectively taken from those employees,
because their wages are far less than the value they added to the thing
(how much less depends on local conditions). However, if the thing cannot
be sold, there will be no profit, and so the business stops producing
things, throwing its employees out of work.
During the 1970s, countries such as China, India and Bangladesh were
brought into manufacturing. Factories started closing in the ‘developed
world’, including the United States and Britain, because businesses
wanted to make larger profits in the ‘developing’ countries,
where they would be able to pay workers much lower wages. In the late
1980s and early 1990s, the manufacturing workforce was boosted by the
collapse of Communist Party dictatorships in eastern Europe.
As a result of this, the basis of the economy in ‘developed’
nations began to change, and we entered what is sometimes called a ‘post-industrial’
society. As manufacturing jobs all-but vanished, they were often replaced
by work to do with consumerism - the distribution and selling of things,
rather than the making of things.
These jobs tended to be lower paid, but the workers in such employment
still needed to be able to buy things, or business would not be able to
make a profit. As the value of wages stayed level or fell in relation
to what they could buy, the credit industry grew massively. If you couldn’t
afford to buy that widescreen plasma television right that minute, there
were many companies competing with each other to lend you the money.
Because of this competition, credit companies had to always be seeking
new markets, investing in riskier and riskier loans. The ‘credit
crunch’ started in July 2007, when it became clear that people with
‘sub-prime’ mortgages in the US - i.e. people who could not
afford a mortgage, but had been sold one anyway - were no longer making
their payments.
This meant people began losing their homes, and mortgage companies had
to write off their ‘toxic assets’ - money they were never
going to get back. But they in turn had been loaned money by banks, so
now they couldn’t get paid back either.
It was soon obvious that much of the value businesses thought they owned
was actually imaginary; they might as well have bought castles in the
sky. The credit crisis then spread to the ‘real economy’ -
the making of things. If banks were collapsing, they couldn’t lend
money to manufacturers. If manufacturers couldn’t make things, they
had to shut down production. Crucially for most workers in ‘post-industrial’
Britain, this means there is less to sell, and people unable to get loans
like they used to are unable to buy. That’s one vicious circle.
As Paul Krugman, the winner of last year’s Nobel Prize for Economics
has written:
“The fact is that recent economic numbers have been terrifying,
not just in the United States but around the world. Manufacturing, in
particular, is plunging everywhere. Banks aren't lending; businesses and
consumers aren't spending. Let's not mince words: This looks an awful
lot like the beginning of a second Great Depression.” (The New York
Times, 5th January 2009)
Liverpool's economy
For a long time, Liverpool’s economy was based on its handy location
for transporting things across seas, things that had often been made in
other Northern places - such as Manchester - but also in the industrial
area near the docks. In fact, Liverpool grew to something like its current
size due to the transatlantic slave trade.
Because of this, Liverpool has always been hit particularly badly by
recessions. If things were not being bought, they would not be made. If
things were not being made, they would not be transported. If things were
not being transported, Liverpool workers would be sacked. This would also
have an affect on smaller businesses in the area, which mainly catered
for those industrial workers.
According to research by Stuart Wilks-Heeg from the University of Liverpool,
local employment has risen by 45,000 since 1997, when the city’s
economy began its recovery from the loss of its old base, which saw 30%
of jobs wiped out. However, in these ‘post-industrial’ times,
this growth was largely based on three areas: tourism (especially trading
on The Beatles’ name and Capital of Culture), consumerism, and state
employment. All these areas are now under threat from the global crisis.
Well they would say that…
Despite all the gloomy predictions from economists, politicians remain
upbeat, in public at least. On 5th December last year, Council leader
Warren Bradley told the Daily Post that:
“In terms of legacy, the new Arena and Convention Centre could
not have had a better first year, thanks to the profile from hosting major
Capital of Culture events such as the opening weekend, MTV Awards, and
Sports Personality of the Year.”
Bradley also expressed apparent delight at how the massive, privatised
shopping complex of Liverpool One had opened:
“Similarly, Liverpool One has had a cracking six months and is
attracting people from all over the region to the city - shoppers who
had previously used Manchester or Chester.”
He then pulled his head out of the sand and stuck it in the clouds, arguing
“The downturn in the economy will play to our advantage, as people
in this country may choose to go on more city breaks rather than holidaying
abroad, particularly given the exchange rate.”
This is deluded thinking. Even if more people from this country were
to go on city breaks rather than travel abroad - despite the fact that
it is often cheaper to fly across the continent than drive or ride a train
across the country - the same would apply to people from overseas, who
make up a large proportion of tourists in Liverpool. Besides, in this
age of international capital, it doesn’t particularly matter whether
a shop’s customers make their purchases in London or Liverpool,
chains are closing anyway. Already, the city centre Woolworths has closed,
and Zavvi - which lies on the edge of the Liverpool One development -
has gone into administration.
Bradley would much rather mislead people about the direction of the local
economy than admit the truth: it's about to sink like a stone.
The Struggle Ahead
All indicators point to a huge rise in unemployment, as retail outlets
close, and this will have a knock-on effect on other sectors. Tourism
will also plummet, from its artificial Capital of Culture high to something
much, much lower. That government spending is also in danger, as the state
prepares for cuts in the years ahead. Local council tax receipts will
fall, leading to some combination of higher taxes and cuts to council
The people employed in retail and service are mostly young, and non-unionised.
They are very likely to be burdened with high levels of debt - both student
loans and credit card bills. The people in state employment are far more
likely to be unionised, although that will count for little, as union
bureaucrats collaborate with the government and try to manage their members’
In 2007, Liverpool had the highest proportion of people on unemployment-related
benefits out of twenty UK cities and towns, plus the highest proportion
of working age people with no formal qualifications.
Mix all these factors together and you get a potentially explosive combination.
In a world that has never been more closely connected, what happens in
Liverpool will depend to a large extent on what happens elsewhere, perhaps
most crucially the countries where manufacturing is a major source of
employment. But we can say this for certain: 2009 will be a year of great
Comment left by Sandra Gibson on 13th January, 2009 at 16:46 Thank you for this succinct article; it's very refreshing and helpful.
Comment left by Mark Christian on 5th March, 2009 at 16:08 This is a very good article giving a synopsis of what the downturn in the global economy will possibly mean for Liverpool and its prospects. It's particularly sad this situation we face as there was a glimmer of hope emerging that the city would finally be able to turn itself around in terms of social and economic struggle.
The writer does not address ethnicity or specific areas where Liverpool people will or may "hurt" more. So a follow-up article would be useful. When I was last looking at statistics for Liverpool 8/Toxteth, for example, unemployment was over 60% for cultural minorities. Has this changed? Did the Capital of Culture Year improve the Granby Street area? I lived in Jermyn Street for a few years, before moving out to the USA. In the mid-90s Granby was pretty derelict. I hope to see improvement when I visit Liverpool in May this year 2009. All the very Best Mark Christian
Comment left by Patrick Trollope on 19th May, 2009 at 16:44 Yes, we are facing a hard time ahead, but as a local newspaper editor covering the area, I can say that Liverpool so far is stronger than it has been in years. 08 has helped us know end and on an international level we have got far better press, as a result.
You have to be careful though sighting Woolworths and Zavvi as examples of the area. Both where national companies, and Zavvi was brought down by Wollworths. Many local businesses are facing the wall, but compared with other areas, Liverpool should be far stronger than most. What the UK faces, that is a worry for all cities and communities, is the fact that lots of the large multi-nationals are now just to big to react to market changes. Also the fact Banks are still a large problem and have not learned from their mistakes. In My view more investment and focus should be put into small businesses. Sadly this is a national/international problem, not just one facing Liverpool. An interesting article for the time it was written, but we hope it is to pessimistic.
Comment left by Patrick Trollope on 19th May, 2009 at 16:47 This makes good follow up reading...
Comment left by Patrick Trollope on 19th May, 2009 at 17:09 That report was written above was in May 2008 - fast forward The Observer, Sunday 25 January 2009 - Now we see more news like this:-
The worry for us if the flue, could hit the tourist trade more than the downturn. Tourism if the area keeps doing what it did over 08 will help keep Liverpool far stranger than most cities in the UK. That is not for getting our large working port... and the on going construction / re-development projects in the area.
Comment left by Patrick Trollope on 19th May, 2009 at 17:27 Also in March 2009, despite office space in Liverpool plummeting by 36% in 2008, as the full effects of the credit crunch were realized. Also the drop was down to more and more office space being made avalable, due to new buildings opening. It is worth noting that in 2009 Maersk’s decision to move its UK headquarters to the Liverpool does strongly suggests that the city is a very competitive location for mobile investment. This will also help Liverpool to stand the downturn. I could be wrong, but only time will tell...