
Commedia dell ’arte workshops

This is a series of workshops introducing and developing some stock Commedia dell ‘arte characters and practicing some of the techniques and disciplines used in Commedia dell ‘arte. This will involve exploring some conventional plot line, styles of improvisation and pre-rehearsed sketches such as the ‘Lazzi’.

The course will also look at the historical and socio-economic origins and development of Commedia dell ‘arte and its influences on modern day forms of entertainment.

Starting: Tuesday 15th September 2015,
7pm - 9pm for 11 sessions at The Casa, 29 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ

Tutor: Mikyla Jane Durkan
Fees: £37.40 if you receive certain benefits you may be entitled to a free course. (Please enquire)

You can enrol online at enrolonline.wea.org.uk or by ringing 0151 243 5340.
Please quote course reference: C3838256

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