Friends of Jeremy Corbyn Meeting (Where there is life there is hope)Meeting at Unite building on 16th September 2015Report by John Owen - 30/9/2015 Savouring the post-election victory of the miracle contender for the Labour leadership election process William Hill had him at 500-1, others 100-1 longshot, this is how the issue was addressed to the masses or common people, “look a rank outsider”, no hope loser, whose dicking around with our army security, NATO, and flirting with terrorists from the home-grown variety like the IRA, to the ISIS hordes about to invade Britain on a reverse crusade. So surprise, surprise, when, despite this barrage of lies and distortions, people chose him over the other apostles: Andy Burnham, tattooed on monobrow, Liz Kendal, charm of an ice cube, Yvette Cooper, a Saga advert lady. About 130 people attended a meeting in support of the newly elected leader of the Labour party, de facto of the Labour movement, despite a press blackout on the movement at the bottom and the molecular processes at work transforming the political fabric of the country, that feels revolutionary in content. The capitalist media concentrating only on the individuals, for that is all that exists in society, no people with things in common, but strivers not strikers, achievers, medal winners, etc. not Joe Blow, the antitheses of the Labour movement. We are all on our own, pull yourself up from yer bootstraps!, get on your bike and haul ass to where the nearest low paid zero hour slave job exists. With the 3 JCs looming a revival must be in prospect you’d think. One, the leader of revived Labour party, that refreshes the parts other right-wing outfits could not reach, the other outgoing disgraced host of Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson, the last, lest we forget, the father of all comeback groups, not counting Abbas revival album. Jesus Christ. Blair, who was anticipating him, hoping he’d either anoint his government or bless his Brit Pack cool followers so much, he built a Millennium Dome at the East End for his tent style Christian socialists revival show. Sadly it didn’t come to pass. New Labour has been and passed like a stone, a painful operation, that needs faith in the NHS or requires miracles of belief to achieve. The bionic man, Steve Austin. he isn’t, perhaps the hulk or Dr David Bannister, yes turning into a raving red monster when a Tory policy irks him. Jeremy Corbyn, a soft spoken voice of Liberal Labour with its woolly pacifism entrenched principles follower of the late Tony Benn, the least likely threat to Tory government, yet that’s what he’s become. They fear him like the Romans feared the last miracle worker to denounce rich and greedy rulers. They feel the social earthquake, the ground moving under their feet, or strong class instincts honed for survival warning them, when their trusted lackeys in the right of the Labour party get it wrong and fail to stop him, they take their gloves off and declare war. Class war propaganda, followed by vicious press attacks and legislation through the old boys club of parliament. And so to the public meeting, without further ado, and much ado about everything. I enter the building. It is mine. I walk up the stairs, the caretaker is mouthing words, which means nothing to me, I go into the master chamber. It's officially in progress, packed to the rafters, a serious debate in which the chair allows a toing and froing from the floor back to the table. Lively, democratic and quite rapturous. Although never a Labour party member I instantly bond with all In the room, all here for the same reason, to assassinate David Cameron, his cabinet, and bring back the guillotine for the rest. Oops, wrong meeting, got papers mixed up. There that’s right, we are going to scrap anti-trade union laws, then fix the greedy capitalists firms exploiting Britons to the hilt. Then pass socialism through parliament without a shot fired. Militant old programme, minus the rhetoric. And the enabling bill. The questions from the floor ranged from how to nominate people from the various CLP (Constituency Labour Party), as some party branches didn’t meet, and the constituencies were run by obscure political cliques or quangos. They rarely met, except to expel people they didn’t like, the sound of mostly right-wing male and stale, pale and on the brown ale. But what’s new, as people from the floor, some with forty years experience, in the CLP (local Labour party) and other veterans of thirty years, as well as outside groups and activists from other left-wing groups across Merseyside, such as TUSC, some activists reborn in the blood of old Labour, so to speak, relishing the prospect of a revitalised movement expelling the dinosaurs that led Labour to defeat time and time again. And when in 1997 Blair things can only get better romped into power, when elected into office, did nothing to mitigate the extremes of capitalism. If anything, as some speaker pointed out, they actually strengthened the Tory anti-union laws, introduced PFI (Private Finance Initiative) into schools, the NHS, and anywhere else to “stimulate the business sector”, like a cattle prod to the groin. The corpse of British capitalism has long ceased being a vigorous or virile body politic. it's rotten to the core. Most of the old left were either expelled in the purge, orchestrated by Lord Kinnock of EU appointment feedbag, a spineless shit that watched the miners starved back to work and submission, as police battered unarmed men, women and children, and dole offices refused benefits for a year to striker’s families - a tough learning curve for some. We in the cities that were languishing with unemployment, felt a kinship with these people. Nobody told us that it was natural that they took a hammering from the state. We took sides with lawbreakers and fed them, and supplied the army of class war in the battle to defeat the government. The Labour party mostly attacked the strikers, as well as the people supporting violent pickets. Those with principles were soon booted out. A watershed in the country was reached, and the battle outside the Labour party commenced for the reconquest of the Labour party as a machine to beat the Tories with? Some hope, yet miracles do happen. And so back to the meeting proposal for a major conference at the end of October or early November, which was overwhelmingly endorsed, The meeting, despite early hiccups as to whether it is a Merseyside Labour left support group, which could mean by definition those not yet members being excluded. The threat posed from the extreme right-wing, and caution in relation to them not giving them any ammunition, etc. with a one-sided press already doing the business for the Tories. The gathering broke up into area-based discussion groups, or wards, that already existed, such as Riverside, etc. and discussed finer points of democracy, strategy, and future actions to oppose the Tory party government. not least the October 4th lobby in Manchester of their conference, which promises to be a whopper, and could dwarf the poll tax monster. Figures estimate ¼ million or more. No police force can stop the tide of history. A Springtime for Jeremy is in the air this winter!
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