Burjesta Theatre presents…The Jesus Conspiracy...the greatest story never told...Scottish writer Peter Burton’s controversial take on Jesus the revolutionary, the man, the lover and the creation of the fantasy of ‘Christianity’ after his death by Paul. Spanning over a century of Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire, the stakes are high and brutality and massacre are common place. Live musical accompaniment by ‘Greek-Blues’ guitarist Alex Solo. WARNING – not for the fainthearted, this show contains content of a sexual nature, nudity and violence. [Please note the writer Peter Burton will be attending the shows on 19th and 20th of April and will lead a Q & A session regarding the history, politics and religion of the times after the show] Performances:April – Friday 12th, Saturday 13th, Monday 15th, Friday 19th, Saturday
20th The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ Tickets £5, to reserve tickets phone 07913 449 396 or pay on the door For further information you can check us out by the following means - Website: www.burjesta-theatre.co.uk |