The NHS is 65
years old
Founded on 5th July 1948. The government plans to privatise every part
of the NHS. Join the fightback and stop it being put into retirement!
The NHS we want and need:
- Universal: Health care for all
- Publicly funded through taxation
- Publicly accountable if things go wrong
- Our health comes first
- Comprehensive: Full range of health
- Publicly provided by NHS employees
- Free at the point of use
- Treating patients as people
- Best practice: Evidence-based medicine,
learning from experience
- Co-ordinated: Co-operation between everyone
providing healthcare
The prescription we didn't need:
- Privatisation in increasing doses
- More and more services put out to competitive tender
- Collaboration and cooperation increasingly being lost
- Cuts in services and staffing
- Public NHS funds lost forever to private profit
Keep Our NHS Public, c/o News from Nowhere, 96 Bold Street, Liverpool,
L1 4HY