Debating the Future of the NHS

WEA Discussion Event
17th February from 7 - 9pm
The Brink, 21 Parr Street, L1 4JN

By Matty Mussell 6/2/2015

As part of the WEA political engagement events we will be hosting an event with the focus on the NHS. The NHS is likely to be a crucial talking point in the coming election and may even decide it so we feel it vital that people are given the opportunity to come and speak to others and hear their views on the NHS on what they feel is the best possible direction for it to take in the future.

The ongoing series of discussion events around the North West, help people come to an informed decision about complex issues and choose the right political direction for them. The format of our events is designed to encourage debate and foster a wide variety of views; people are split into groups each discussing a different area of concern around an issue, and then people are encouraged to mix with different groups and share their ideas. We have ran two of these events so far, one discussing the lack of political engagement in the UK today, and the other focusing on the issue of inequality and possible ways to overcome the problem - you can watch a video about the event discussing political engagement here

The NHS employs 1.3 million people in England and Wales - that is around 1 in 23 of the working population. Staff across the NHS are in contact with more than 1.5 million patients and their families every day, and in a typical week, 1.4 million people will receive help in their home from NHS staff. Needless to say then that this is a huge issue and the WEA would love for people to join us for a discussion on the topic at our event.

The event will be held on the 17th February from 7 - 9pm, at The Brink, 21 Parr Street, L1 4JN.

You can sign up for a free ticket to the event at eventbrite here:

If you have any queries please contact mmussell[at]

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