NO to
NHS privatisation
Plans to develop the Royal under Private Finance Initiative (PFI) were
condemned by protestors on Friday 27th January (photo right).
The demonstration was originally called by the Labour Party, but they
backed out when it became apparent many people would be there demonstrating
against the Labour Party’s lack of any real policy to stop the new
Health and Social Care Bill.
Since the demo it has been announced that Whiston and St Helens Hospitals
are to be bailed out because of their inability to make PFI repayments
to the companies that now own the hospitals. The hospitals have a £20.3m
annual gap in their budgets.
The Royal PFI scheme will cost £1.24 billion over 34 years, while
the same new hospital would cost £730 million with public finance.
The extra £500 million will be drained from local health budgets
into banks and private investors, jeopardizing the health of people on
To get involved in the Campaign to stop privatisation contact:
For more on the Health and Social Care Bill see: