Paintbox Study V Pink Rose - Sue Yoosawai Collidoscope Group Show

Academy of Arts, 36 Seel Street
Monday - Friday, 12pm to 4pm, until 18 March

Reviewed by Josephine Raven

'Collidoscope' is a collective of eleven North West based artists, whose exhibition is currently being shown at The Liverpool Academy of Arts. Artists on display use a variety of different media and encompass a diverse range of styles and genre. The range of work includes use of photography, painting and ceramics, pursuing the central theme of ‘the development of colour and tone.’

As with most group exhibitions the quality and characteristic of work varies both within the work of individual artists and the group as a whole. Gail Hayes’ ceramic clay pieces inspired by the human form, posses an organic natural quality, akin to the abstract work of Marie McGowan. These textural paintings appear to capture the essence of their titles through use of colour; Fire, Ice and Sand predominantly depicting tones of blue and silver with hints of gold and Autumn Equinox, using the tonal range of brown, red and yellow.

The work of McGowan and that of Sue Yoosawai more obviously than the other artists involved, represent the central motif of the exhibition. The exploration of colour and tone is clearly portrayed in her series of Paint Box Studies.

Landscape is also a dominant theme, from the simple picturesque watercolour paintings of Ann Harrison to the beautiful photographs of the North Wales countryside by Tony Griffiths. Griffiths' compositions, along with the large 'ink-on-canvas' portraits by Simon MacBryde are to me the most striking and accomplished pieces on display.

This exhibition has a key balance, for those who merely wish to browse there is something to suit every taste and for those who wish to buy there is something to accommodate every pocket.