Ed – an art
show by men
Curated by Simon Bendi
Joe Ankarah, Simon Bendi, Will Curwen, Paul Finnan, Tommy Mchugh, Adam
Nankervis, Edmund Piper, Marko Stepanov and Samuel Wiesemann
Egg Space Gallery, 16-18 Newington
22nd February - 19th March 2006
Reviewed by
This collection’s theme is described as ‘on me ed son’
and is said to represent some of the insouciance of Liverpool art and
diversity of networks around Liverpool. Curator Simon Bendi says: “It
is a show where the common notion of PC is deliberately accosted. All
the artists in the show are men and have for one reason or another had
their voice emasculated.”
The idea of loss of voice is reflected in Will Curwen’s ‘Head
One’ and ‘Head Two’. In this piece there are two photos,
each one contains an image of a head resting on sheets of plastic. The
heads themselves are made from plastic containers and depict a downcast,
melancholy expression. Notably neither of the heads contains a mouth,
perhaps reflecting how the artists feels his voice has been taken away
by someone or something. By using plastic moulded into a human likeness,
Curwen is able to express the manipulation he feels at certain situations
within modern society.
Simon Bendi’s work - entitled ‘City Head Buildings’
- is a collection of two rows of coloured blocks attached to the wall.
Each block is a different colour and has a slightly different texture.
This work is reminiscent of the reflection of buildings in the River Mersey.
Perhaps Bendi is challenging the grey concrete blocks that are springing
up around the city and wishes to change the landscape to reflect something
more vibrant.
Paul Finnan’s ‘Beginners Guide to Plastic Surgery’
is a somewhat grimmer affair. This piece consists of a square board covered
in what looks like blood vessels and human tissue. On the right hand side
there is a side view of a head covered in a similar way. This work is
supported by Finnan’s ‘Confessional Box’ - a box covered
in the same human matter, containing a crucified body with an overly large
skull for head. On top of the box a cross is fixed and several nails have
been hammered into the side. This work firmly suggests Finnan’s
secular beliefs and his distaste for Catholicism. It explores the relentless
repression and repentance that the Catholic Church practices. It’s
also very cool to look at.
Several other artists work are also on display at the Egg, though you
may have to buy a piece of the lovely homemade chocolate cake while you
explore them.