The Key
To My Cell
Des Warren
Living History Library, paperback, £10
Reviewed by
You may not know the name Des Warren, but his trial and imprisonment
in the early 1970s arguably left the way clear for Margaret Thatcher's
attacks on trade unions and the working class. His autobiography should
therefore be near the top of the reading list for anyone who wants to
understand that time.
Warren was arrested alongside twenty-three other building workers, whose
'flying picket' had been trying to persuade Shrewsbury builders to join
a nationwide strike. Ted Heath's Conservative government was on the back
foot at the time, following action by mine workers in particular, and
business leaders were fearful of militancy spreading across all industries.
Though Warren was eventually imprisoned for 'conspiracy to intimidate',
his book describes in great detail 'the real conspiracy' to put him behind
bars, which would serve as a deterrent to other workers hoping to improve
their conditions. The author was clear that he didn't take his sentence
personally, because 'The Tory Government wasn’t interested in me
or my 23 co-victims. They were attacking the trade union movement'. However,
he also insisted that he was abandoned by union leaders, who in practice
only led 'the front of the queue when honours are dished out.'
The chapters that describe Warren's prison life are fascinating in of
themselves, painting a vivid picture of the power struggles and hierarchies
that exist inside. Because he regarded himself as a 'political prisoner',
Warren frequently caused trouble for the 'screws', and always stood up
for his fellow inmates when they were being particularly victimised. When
he told a prison doctor about some sleeping problems, he was prescribed
a chemical cocktail known as the 'liquid cosh', which severely curtailed
his resistance, and caused the Parkinson's disease which would kill him
three decades later.
Not surprisingly, The Key To My Cell is full of anger. But Warren's book
is in many ways a gift to the generations of activists who would come
after him, because there's also sharp analysis of the forces at work in
the case. It's also very readable, despite the dozens of organisations
and their initials which accompany trade union and party politics.
The campaign to get justice for the Shrewsbury Pickets was relaunched
in August last year, and has the passionate support of Ricky Tomlinson,
who stood trial alongside Des Warren and wrote a forward for this book.
Building workers still face disgusting pay and conditions, but they're
by no means alone in that. The story of Des Warren has lessons for anyone
struggling against the rich and powerful.
This book can be ordered from , Liverpool’s radical & community bookshop.
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