By Alice Lenkiewicz
Bluechrome Publishing, Paperback, £7.99
Reviewed by
This is a mysterious book. I was quite baffled by it at first, but it
kept me intrigued. It shifts about in time and space, between prose, poetry
and play form. Characters change in character, and there were occasional
diagrams that I could not understand.
The Maxine of the title is on a journey to learn how to float, which
I felt meant a kind of letting go and a sort of astral travel. On her
travels she meets various kinds of poets - some funnily accurate caricatures
- and some famous painters from the past, acting out different roles with
each of them. Sometimes she floats off into space, or inhabits a glass
cube. Between the surreal events are down-to-earth scenes of a marriage
with its tensions and of friendships with other women.
Episodes are based on drawings of women in a second hand book bought
by the author, and on famous paintings such as Jan van Eyck’s ‘The
Marriage of Arnolfini‘.
In a scene where she becomes the seventeenth century painter Artemesia
- who was raped by her teacher Tassi - Maxine conflates the attack with
the present-day ‘Poet F‘, who suffered a similar assault by
her mentor. A beautiful poem about the pigment ultramarine contrasts with
the violence of that scene:
'Gold flecks/ tiny gold flecks/ Iron Pyrites/ mineral forms/ in the presence
of Sulphur/ elements/ Sodium, Aluminium, Silicon, Oxygen/ do not by themselves/
lend much colour to anything/ let alone/ an intense blue…………the
Sulphur is the colour chemist’s/ Philosopher’s Stone/ Transmuting/
base mineral/ into something immeasurably/ more precious….'
Maxine seems to represent many women, and the dramatic events illustrate
the differing roles of women through history. Her strange experiences
are a way of finding out who she is - through fantasies and re-enactments
of lovemaking, fear and anger, rape, and feelings of self-doubt.
Ending the book is a supposed interview with ‘Maxine’ and
then ‘Alice‘, which explains the structure and meaning of
the work. Even this section is puzzling; I think the author is trying
to be as ambiguous and teasing as before. I found the intellectual explanation
hard to understand, but enjoyed the book best on an emotional level, just
accepting its constantly shifting shapes and time zones, characters and
My only reservation is that Alice Lenkiewicz tried to say too many things
in too many ways in a single book.
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