The Picket, Jamaica Street
28th August 2006
Reviewed by
A crashing and rolling tidal wave of music continues to saturate Liverpool
and with such events as Streetwaves 2006 it looks as if deep musical currents
will continue to sweep their rhythmic way to the shoreline of mainstream
popularity. Bank Holiday Monday saw The Picket play host to an astounding
sixteen act line-up in conjunction with a cumulative music competition
that had taken place in preceding weeks within seven zones of Merseyside.
The winners of each zone were awarded several goodies including the ultimate
kudos of performing at the Mathew Street Festival.
The Alphites were one of the conquering hero bands and they took to The
Picket’s stage with gusto and fervour. Theirs is a well-packaged
and creatively artistic parcel of live performance encouraging tumultuous
head rocking and being received with rapturous awe and applause (especially
from the girls). The five piece collectively is Campy Alphite on keyboards,
Geoff on bass, Matt on lead guitar and vocals, John on guitar and backing
vocals and Jim on drums. Their combined age is just 95 and they were victorious
over twelve other bands in their heat at The Sandon in Anfield. They were
‘made up’, said it was ‘boss’, ‘fantastically
awesome’ and ‘a joy’ (definitive Liverpool lads then).
The Alphites earned their place at the Mathew Street Festival New Bands
stage and are every bit the walloping success they steer toward. Keep
abreast of these lads because they are just like the ‘superheroes’
they sing about.
Another very alternative maestro band to become aware of is Metro Manila
Aide (pictured) who were also winners of their heat. The originality and
prowess of this maturing group is more than worth a listen, together with
watching out for the ‘live and inventive’ expressionism freely
given by the lead singer.
The professionalism and superb sound quality offered at The Picket gives
this venue its deserved place in the ‘springboard’ musical
arena, acknowledging that these up and coming bands of today could most
definitely become our stars of tomorrow and a certainty of this stardom
must be waiting in the wings for ‘The Tom Cartledge’ band.
They are a five piece who are currently entering their third and final
year of BA Music degree at the University of Liverpool. They are all aged
twenty and all outstandingly supersede this youth when on stage, producing
their full-grown quality and raw musical ingenuity.
For more information about The Picket please visit