A Graphic History of the Industrial Workers of the World
Edited by Paul Buhle and Nicole Schulman
Verso, paperback, £14.99
Reviewed by
On the centenary of the IWW, this superb graphic history has been published.
The Wobblies made a unique and remarkable contribution to American culture
and the everlasting struggles for freedom and justice, and you can learn
all about it here through comic strips, cartoons, posters and text. Mother
Jones, Big Bill Haywood, Joe Hill – they’re all here, but
sections on Black Wobblies, the Mexican Agrarian Revolt and 21st Century
Wobblies may be less familiar. The world of the Wobblies was realised
in its best moments by solidarity across race, ethnic, gender and nationality
lines, and if ever there was a time when we needed to connect with that
rich radical tradition here in the UK, it’s now.