Back to index of Nerve 11 - Winter 2007 Artist Profile - Richard AshworthI make art because life bestowed it upon me after being a delinquent when I was young. I was an untouchable without hope and without any care for making a real living. That situation suited such an undesirable as me and also suited my need for a world of fantasy and imagination. At first, drawing was to gratify my imaginative fantasies, including devil worship, monsters, and spells. But now, more mature and sound of mind more often, I realize that making art gives me the satisfaction, for instance, of making shapes and forms. I realize that I am a primitive. I also have an education in art. This means, that I am a primitive who works with intelligence. So I make art because of my nature. Why do I use recycled materials? Although I would not call myself a recycling artist I use recycled materials for the power of transforming and enjoying a metamorphosis, together with the method and the process involved. I use recycled materials for the same reason someone might use oil paint, marble, canvas or paper. That is, to bring out its richness in colours and its other qualities. I might use other materials for similar reasons. And above all, these
kinds of materials I work with are affordable to me and easy to come across.
I don't use them because I care for the Planet Earth, or to be hippy and
cultural. It is convenient for me to do so. What are my influences? Because of the way I work I cannot give any definite individual influences, for I have gleaned much over the years, and my ideas have evolved during this time. But my theories are borne out of, for example, supremacy, Merz's writings, surrealist theories, Dada, and Art Brut, as well as some existential themes. I am currently still developing my artistic ideas and notions from the
influences mentioned. However I have already given too much away about myself. I like to keep my resources private. Email:ashworth_richard_66@hotmail.com Printer friendly page |