Back to index of Nerve 11 - Winter 2007 Artist Profile - Sean LimbertMy interest in photography stems from Christmas 1980 when I was given a Kodak instamatic (I was six). I was then given a book containing the work of British photographer Edwin Smith, which was a basis for my early attempts at picture making. Other influences include works by Frederick Sommer and the colour photographs of William Eggleston. My images vary in subject, using both colour and black & white, and have been described as both dark and comic. The dolls and toys are an ongoing aspect of my work, the first images being of the toys I played with as a child. My subjects tend to be things I have a sense of empathy for. People have an innate ability to see their emotional state reflected in their environment - I often see this in reactions to my images. Dolls and toy animals attract interest on many levels. They are very easy to anthropomorphise, added to which they have nostalgic kitsch value as objects. I'm not a great theorist. I feel my work is to draw attention to the subject but not necessarily to create a theoretical structure through which to view it. The internet is becoming a big part of my creative life, providing new forums for exhibition, feedback and interest from around the world. The possibilities for creativity and debate that the web provides seem limitless. I'm hoping to exhibit prints locally during Spring 2009 and intend to publish work through an online bookseller in 2008. Email: photomohawk@hotmail.com Printer friendly page |