Black Seamen
The history of Liverpool black seamen is commemorated by a stone laid
in the garden of Friendship House, Falkner Square. Joe Farrag told us
There were lots of the old seamen who served during the war (nearly all
dead now sadly) and I wanted them (and their families) to have somewhere
peaceful to reflect and talk about the 'old days'.
Black seamen were not really encouraged to join in the parades in town
so it was felt that a shouldn't be sited there.
Falkner Square is basically on a sort of crossroads marking the Black
communities area where we used to have rented flats.
Falkner Square is also where The Gallery (an arts and social centre)
was so I had hoped to do the 'upkeep' of it myself. But that was not to
be so the council picked that one up 'of sorts'.
I am in discussions now with various people about adding some sort of
artwork around the stone.
Hopefully the Council will include it in their memorials list to ensure
its long-term upkeep.
The photo shows Mr Vestry - Mr Basil Skeetes (now passed away) The Mayor
and other local people including some who also served.