Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Also in this month...
Liverpool Printing Trades Federation mass meeting
demands 48-hour week (7th)
Rev Herbert Dunnico says National Service League is a device to introduce
conscription (26th)
Liverpool Association of Womens' Trade Unions formed |
1 |
2 Hawarden Bridge steelworks
re-opens after successful 10-month strike |
3 Sydney Street siege in East
London sparks nationwide paranoia about anarchists |
4 London newspaper says Liverpool
is the most active centre of anarchism in the provinces |
5 |
6 Alleged Liverpool
sightings of 'Peter the Painter' (Jewish anarchist Sidney Street suspect) |
7 2,500 boiler-scalers strike
for wage increase and reduced hours. Police prevent picketing |
8 |
9 Striking scalers picket Allan
Line and Langton Dock |
10 |
11 Employers of scalers offer
10% wage increase and arbitration, which scalers refuse |
12 Carters' union membership
in Birkenhead increased as wage increase granted |
13 Board of Trade official arrives
Liverpool to mediate in scalers strike |
14 |
15 |
16 Reported that seamen’s
strike likely to disrupt the King's Coronation in June |
17 |
18 |
19 Boiler-scalers’ strike
settled with wage increase and no victimisation |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 Shop Assistants Union soiree
at Kings Cafe to boost women’s membership |
26 Liverpool shopkeepers will
give staff 60 hour week and a half day off |
27 Meeting of Anti-Vivisection
Society at Adelphi |
28 Liverpool Anti-Sweating League
hold Annual Meeting at Common Hall |
29 |
30 |
31 James Sexton says Ruskin
College (of which he is now a governor) will produce future labour
leadership |