Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
1 Strike Committee meets North
End dockers, agrees to include their demands in negotiations |
2 Rally of 5,000 on St George's
Plateau hears that the largest rail union supports the strike |
3 Return to work at those shipping
companies where union is now recognised |
4 2,000 Hawarden Bridge steelworkers
strike over employment of non-union labour (resolved after a week) |
5 Tugboatmen return to work
after four-day strike |
6 Agents try to recruit strike-breakers
for London but no one volunteers |
7 200 dockers’ delegates
meet at Engineers Hall. Manifesto calls for 'loyalty and solidarity' |
8 |
9 |
10 Coasting ship owners agree
to raise minimum wage |
11 Tobacco warehousemen win
wage increases after five-day strike |
12 Trades Council addressed
by Tom Mann who calls for support for transport strike |
13 150 strike at Dock Board's
wool warehouse (succeed after one week) |
14 Dockers’ union convenes
meeting of cotton porters. Many join the union |
15 |
16 Rally at St George's Plateau.
Tom Mann thanks public, press and police for 'the goodwill shown towards
us’ |
17 250 girls at Walton rubber
works strike
for wage increase (succeed after three days) |
18 Shipping companies set up
committee to meet with unions |
19 700 Skelmersdale miners strike
over employment of non-union labour (one week) |
20 Strike at Dock Board grainhouses
in Liverpool and Birkenhead successful |
21 500 tram workers hold grievance
meeting. 300 declare ready to join a union |
22 Workers at Fairrie &
Co sugar refinery on Vauxhall Road strike and win instant wage increase |
23 |
24 700 men at Silcocks oil mills
strike for wage increase (succeed after 2 days) |
25 Sexton presents demands at
first meeting of shipowners and unions |
26 Workers at MacFie sugar refinery
strike for wage increase |
27 International Miners Congress
calls for 8-hour day and two weeks paid holiday a year |
28 Strike settled at North Shore
flour mills |
29 900 out of 1600 tram workers
now belong to a new union |
30 |
31 Second meeting between shipowners
and unions appoints sub-committee to draw up agreement |
in this month...
Strike Committee forms a District Council of National
Transport Workers Federation (13th)
Goods porters at Lancs and Yorks North Docks station demand wage increase
and reduced hours.
1000 workers at six oil mills strike for wage increase (31st) |