Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
1 Transport Workers Federation
holds first Annual Conference at Engineers Hall (3 days) |
2 |
3 |
4 International Seamen’s
Strike Committee begins 3-day meeting in London |
5 200 Jewish cabinet-makers are
locked out over demand for increased wages and job security |
6 Coal porters of Southampton
strike and hold up the White Star’s Olympic |
7 |
8 Women Clerks Association hold
organising meeting in Hardman Hall |
9 |
10 Sailors and firemen resolve
not to go and break a strike in Southampton |
11 RMS Baltic arrives Liverpool.
Crew do not sign on for next voyage, demanding wage increase |
12 Havelock Wilson writes to
UK Shipowners Association with last-minute plea to avoid strike |
13 Tom Mann arrives in Liverpool
to lead the seamen’s strike with poster "War Declared:
We Strike for Liberty" |
14 Seamen’s strike begins
as 500 seamen refuse to sign on. Mass meetings in Liverpool and London |
15 Several big shipping firms
concede wage increases |
16 Strike leaders turn attention
to smaller firms. Dockers are also in state of unrest |
17 250 women take special train
from Liverpool to join 40,000-strong women’s 5-mile 'Coronation'
suffrage march |
18 Carters meeting at St Martin's
Hall expresses support for seamen |
19 Stewards on four ships join
the strike of sailors and firemen |
20 Seamen and stewards agree
wage increase and union recognition with Cunard, White Star and Allan
Lines |
21 Report that the strike has
spread to Dublin and Hull. CPR Line concedes strikers' demands |
22 Coronation of King George
V. Docks all quiet |
23 50 dockers strike at Bramley
Moore dock in support of seamen and firemen (successful after two
days) |
24 Elder Dempster charter depot
ship Friesland for 3 weeks to supply non-union labour |
25 4,000 rally at St George's.
All Shipping Federation seamen are called out. Dockers and carters
support |
26 Dockers refuse to work on
ships where owners have not conceded. Carters do the same |
27 90 tailors and tailoresses
strike (successfully) at Joseph Davies', Russell Street. Girls plan
to form a union |
28 Dockers present their own
demands for union recognition. 2,000 coalheavers also strike |
29 Dockers defy Strike Committee
advice and insist on recognition and payment of union rates |
30 George Milligan (secretary
of North End NUDL) joins Strike Committee as dockers stay out |
of North End dockers (NUDL No 12 Branch) |
Also in this month... Cabinetmakers
locked out over demand to end piecework system (10th)
Dockers refuse to unload Pointer (from Glasgow) until striking crew
reinstated (18th)
Black sailors and firemen join crew of Elder Dempster ship Aro on
strike (19th) |