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Some of you may remember the name of ELLE FM which broadcast across Merseyside during the latter part of the 90s. Now, after a hiatus of over a decade, it’s back!

ELLE FM was initially set up as an innovative radio broadcasting service for women and young people in Liverpool, and was successful in running accredited training courses in radio broadcasting as well as transmitting live short-term radio broadcasts (RSLs).

Ami Yesufu is the Founder/Director of ELLE FM and explained the reasons behind re-launching the station. “ELLE FM has always been in my heart and it was a fantastic project for the city, but there are many reasons why the time is right to bring it back now.”

Included within this decision she cites “the opportunities it provided for women and young people across Merseyside (and beyond!), the constant requests over the years from many sectors of the community to ‘bring it back’, and the platform it provides for community groups to publicise their services”.

During ELLE FM’s previous incarnation, over 200 people benefitted directly from the service, with many more community groups, organisations and individuals utilising the broadcasts as a platform to promote their own services and events.

Unique to ELLE FM were the confidence, skills and opportunities it provided for people who had never been involved in radio.

Says Ami, “So many people went on to work in local and national radio as a direct result of their involvement with ELLE FM. We had women who found employment at BBC Radio Merseyside, Viva! Radio and BBC Oxford among other media agencies.”

But it wasn’t just about using it as a stepping stone as Ami identified the other benefits for those involved with the station.

“Absolutely everyone who was involved enjoyed their time with ELLE FM, even if it was just a chance for them to either make, or hear, the type of speech-based issues, or musics that are never heard on mainstream radio.” She also believes that, despite many years having passed since ELLE FM was last on-air, the stations which have surfaced during that time are merely regurgitating what was already there.

“I would maintain that there is still a gap in the radio market for a station like ELLE FM, and many of our supporters agree which is why I’m constantly being asked, ‘When is ELLE FM coming back?’ It’s nice to be closer to giving a definitive answer,” says Ami.

In the first instance an ELLE FM ‘Family Day’ fundraising event will take place – providing activities and entertainment for, and by, local people.

Anyone interested in participating in this or future ELLE FM activities is invited to contact Ami via ellefm[at] or tel: 0796 123 1044.

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