of Recommended Reads
What luxury to be able to recommend lots of yummy feminist books! Let’s
start at the beginning with "The Equality
Illusion" by Kat Banyard
(Faber £8.99). It's subtitled "The Truth About Women and Men
Today" and don't you just notice that "women and men" never
comes as naturally as "men and women"? By such subtle means
are we kept in second place. Anyway Kat tells it like it is. Us feminists,
female and male (there we go again), may know it already but it's a great
one to open the eyes of less-well-informed friends. And Cordelia
Fine has produced the definitive argument against the tide of blue
and pink that viciously moulds our young people in "Delusions
of Gender: The Real Science Behind Sex Differences" (Icon
£8.99). In fact there's been such a glut of new feminist books lately
we can hardly keep up. It's a great indication that women's liberation
is firmly on the agenda again, and if you fancy 'a thin, bloody sliver
of feminist dialectic' then "Meat Market:
Female Flesh Under Capitalism" by Laurie
Penny (Zero Books £6.99) is for you, with its critique of
modern culture's obsessive control of women's bodies. [[especially when
one gets into the bestseller lists, like Caitlin
Moran's "How to Be a Woman"
(Ebury £11.99) which is part memoir, part rant, cool, funny, engaging
& revealing.]] If you enjoyed "Cunt"
by Inga Muscio, her new book is a must.
"Rose: Love in Violent Times"
(Seven Stories £12.99) explores the impacts of passive violence,
sexual abuse, war and cultural trauma on our most intimate lives.
Another personal memoir/rant is "I Killed
Scheherazade: Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman" by Joumana
Haddad (Saqi £9.99) which is angry about the way Arab women
are portrayed in the West and also challenges Arabic women to confront
preset patterns of religion, politics, sexuality, writing & life.
It reminded me of that classic "Ain't
I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism" by bell
hooks (Pluto £21.99) which examines how black women have
been oppressed by both white men and black men, and by white women.
Well worth revisiting: "The Trouble &
Strife Reader". Edited by Deborah
Cameron & Joan Scanlon (Bloomsbury £18.99), it gathers
together the best of that radical feminist journal of the 80s and 90s,
in articles such as: porn in the Guardian, feminism & AIDS, women
& fundamentalism. Each wave can learn from the last. Now here's a
wonderful new collection of poems and essays, "Word
Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution"
edited by Alix Olson (Seal Press £11.99).
It's American so we've not heard of most of them but it looks like a
raging, celebratory, inspiring anthology. "Each writer is a role
model who has stood up to the system and lived to tell the tale."
And so on to some great new novels. Belgrade writer Tea
Obreht won the Orange Prize with "The
Tiger's Wife" (Orion hb £12.99), a haunting novel involving
tigers, Balkan wars & grandfathers' stories. Nawal
El Saadawi is the Egyptian feminist who taught us so much about
Arab women's lives, and at 80 has now added blogging to her activism.
Her latest novel is "Zeina"
(Saqi £8.99). As ever it explores Cairo, revolution and women's
lives. If you've loved Roma Tearne's fiction, here's another Sri Lankan
writer, Ru Freeman, with "A
Disobedient Girl" (Penguin £8.99) which sets a tough
heroine against the volatile backdrop of class and prejudice. That's what
we like. Nearer home, Helen Walsh's
new one, "Go To Sleep" (Canongate
£12.99) name-checks the Amorous Cat Bookshop, Gambier Terrace, Sefton
Park and our beloved River Mersey, in a story of a new mother's desperation.
Honest and gripping. Finally, for you organized folk, we have the "Women
Artists Datebook" fresh in from America (Syracuse Cultural
Workers £8.50), complete with women's artwork and poetry, lunar
cycles and menstrual calendar!
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