Back in 1976, Italian feminist groups started the mass marches of women
that became 'Reclaim the Night', for much the same reason that the Slutwalks
began in Toronto. Police were advising women to avoid rape by not going
out alone after dark. So they went out alone in their thousands, marching
past Fascist Party headquarters dressed as witches and chanting slogans
about destroying the family. Now that's the subversion of a patriarchal
stereotype. These days if you asked for witches to march on a party HQ
they'd come chanting aura-cleansing spells and waving healing crystals.
You go to the trouble to reclaim an identity used against you, make it
a badge of pride, and what happens? Within a couple of years you find
it marketed back to you with its teeth pulled.
This time we're out to reclaim a word that once meant a lazy maidservant,
currently indicates sexual promiscuity, and has always been an insult
specifically to control women's behaviour, and this seems to involve marching
over cobbled streets in stilettos. I wouldn't mind, but we've done this
with the S-word before. Riot Grrl era punk bands scrawled "Slut"
across their bodies in an effort to take its power to themselves. Now?
At your local Grin store you can buy pre-ripped punk skinny Ts with "Slut"
neatly emblazoned in pink sequins, size extra small. We've reclaimed the
means of our oppression so many times it's starting to taste like an astronaut's
water supply.
One thing is right - we need something new. Organised marches have become
foot- and mind-numbing affairs, A to B chanting of the same slogans with
a police escort and a speech by a bureaucrat at the end. Even the breakouts
and radical blocs take you through a proscribed process of carefully kettled
catharsis. As for feminist marches, it's rare they happen even late enough
to Reclaim the Teatime, and routes are restricted so as not to inconvenience
any innocent bystanders with having to actually see us. Non-compliance
can mean being policed into near irrelevance, as those on Edinburgh's
recent Reclaim the Night discovered when defying the city council's ironic
attempt to ban them from marching due to concerns for their safety.
The reasoning behind Slutwalk is a good one. There's nothing wrong with
the message: "I enjoy sex and I'm not ashamed of it. That doesn't
mean you can rape me". But that's only half the message we need.
The rest goes: "Don't define me by my sex life; don't categorise
me; how much I enjoy sex, how much I have, whether I've overcome the internalised
shame or not - is none of your goddamn business. Don't rape me - that's
We needed something more popular and more subversive. But is this it?
Male voices on the megaphones and a glorified Hen Night winding through
the streets? We chant: "Whatever we wear, wherever we go, yes means
yes and no means no", but the unchallenged leering as we pass suggests
that this only holds true as long as we refrain from actually saying "No",
that there's only popular support for women celebrating their sexuality
so long as they're putting it on display for men.
The idea of subverting the word "Slut" for our own purposes
is a seductive one, because it's so much easier than challenging the existence
of all those categories (slut, virgin, whore, prude, cougar, princess,
gold digger) and having to start again, reject the ready-made options
and rebuild your sexual self-image from scratch. There's no fun costume
or sense of subversive naughtiness attached to finding your independent
humanity - only uncertainty and fear, not least because if you don't spend
enough time reassuring everyone of how much you love sex you might be
one of those Sex Negative feminists who team up with Vicars' wives to
burn old issues of Playboy and don't let men on your marches because you
hate them.
It's easier to make it fun to be a slut, to revel in it, to try and reform
it into something with power, than to find out what it means to be a human
and risk losing even the little power you were lent as a slut. It's also
easier to ignore those who have good reason to feel uncomfortable publicly
marching under the banner of "Slut". Not everybody has the luxury
of so easily reclaiming the words used to harm them.
If we want to subvert something, let's go further than one word - let's
point out that all the comforting stereotypes on which our identities
are founded are lies. It's not as fun or photogenic, but it strikes at
the heart of those internalised prejudices instead of just fighting one
head of that hydra. The witches in Birkenstocks and the sluts in high
heels are both inventions of the patriarchy used to divide, shame and
control us, to make us apologise before we speak and spend so much time
placating and reassuring everyone about what we're not that we never actually
get around to discovering what we are, let alone what we can be.
What we need is a march - or any mass action - of people who've been
subject to sexual exploitation, assault, harassment and stereotyping,
coming together wearing whatever the hell they feel most comfortable in,
to resist being made into others' fantasies. We should demand attention
with our actions, not pander to the press with gimmicky outfits. We should
resist the police and take our actions where we want them, not ask their
permission to be herded at their convenience. We should take care of ourselves
and each other, not ask for protection. And if anybody tries to attack
us or stop us or shame us, we should make them regret it.
That would be reclaiming something: our anger, our solidarity, our humanity.
I don't care what you call it or what you wear. Never mind the Night or
the Slut, let's start by taking back the will to act.
Comment left by Barbara Harrison on 12th December, 2011 at 11:23 Thank you, Emma, brilliantly written article. Well said.