Years on
This NERVE is our 21st since we started 10 years ago! It's our annual
calendar edition, so there's plenty of space to celebrate actions and
stunning images that people from our creative grassroots culture have
contributed down the years.
As well as more wars, systemic corruption has brought big changes to
society in the last ten years. Now it's time to look at where we've been
and where we're headed. Things are set to change beyond recognition with
savage cuts, Universal Credit and the privatisation of Health and Social
Services still to come (not to mention Climate Change).
Liverpool's Mayor, Joe Anderson, has said "people will die - end
of"* - disgraceful words when his council is doing the cutting. Labour
leaders don't want to challenge the government because they don't see
any alternative to the profit driven system. They want a 'Caring Capitalism',
but this is a contradiction in terms, because Capitalism needs to destroy
our social fabric and drive down our living standards if it's to survive.
So, it's up to us to stop the cuts and build alternatives!
Issue 22 of NERVE will be out in April 2013 with a focus on The Effects
of Capitalism and Its Alternatives. We want to hear what the mainstream
media isn't saying, and report on initiatives and ideas that will enable
us to create a thriving community together - ideas that can banish inequality
and transform our lives.
If you'd like to submit an article, a letter, comments, a 'to do' list,
some art work, photographs, poetry, or even a tweet, based around the
edition's theme, please do so by the end of February 2013.
*Liverpool Echo 25 Oct 2012