Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Occupy camp at Wellington Column (26th) |
1 2004: First Homotopia, Liverpool's
current gay festival |
2 2011: Five protesters scale
drilling rig near Southport in protest against fracking |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 2010: Liverpool Vodafone forced
to close for the day by protest against tax evasion |
7 |
8 |
9 1890: Trades Council calls
Mass Indignation Meeting in Birkenhead as 8 men jailed for 'intimidation' |
10 2003: Doctors Janet Price
and Lis Davidson pay taxes with bloodstained cheques in protest at
Iraq war |
11 1921: Unemployed workers'
demonstration at Armistice Day parade |
12 |
13 1983: Peace camp set up at
Capenhurst nuclear plant |
14 1984: Black Caucus march
to Town Hall and disrupt City Council over appointment of Sam Bond
as 'race relations adviser' |
15 |
16 1985: Plaque unveiled to 27
Merseyside volunteers who died fighting for the republic in the Spanish
civil war |
17 1922: Liverpool Hunger March
arrives in London |
18 2009: Second day of prison
officers' strike over 'bullying and harassment' |
19 1983: 20,000 march to support
city council's claim for return of grant money by Tory government |
20 2000: Greenpeace 'Chicken
Run' halts GM soya mill (Cargills) on Gladstone dock |
21 1911: Big suffragette rally
in London, Patricia Woodlock and others arrested |
22 2009: Liverpool March Against
Homophobia |
23 2011: Baggage-handlers at
Liverpool airport strike against proposed redundancies |
24 1998: Monument to victims
of Great Irish Famine unveiled by Irish President Mary McAleese at
St Luke's |
25 1969: John Lennon returns
MBE to Buckingham Palace |
26 2011: Occupy Liverpool set
up camp at base of Wellington column |
27 1920: Irish nationalists
burn down 17 warehouses on Liverpool waterfront |
28 1974: One-day general strike
in support of the jailed 'Shrewsbury 2' pickets |
29 1980: Over 100,000 join national
TUC march to the Pier Head against unemployment |
30 2011: 15,000 march to St George's
Hall against Government austerity |
Also in this month... 1819:
Radical pamphleteer William Cobbett returns from New York, declares
at Customs the bones of Thomas 'Rights of Man' Paine
1972: Workers at Manesty Machines, Speke, win wage increase after
16-week strike and four-week sit-in
1995: Women of the Waterfront formed to support striking dockers |
European Day of strike action (14th) |