The Crazy World of Arthur Brown

19th October 2013
Reviewed by
It seemed like the gig I was waiting for all my life was about to happen.
So eager was I, I got to the venue three hours early. I had gone to other
events including one at Oxfam. A terrible sick in the stomach queasiness
rolled over me, like a punch you gave someone that may or may not have
killed or permanently damaged them. Was the event cancelled? The door
was closed, the street's tumbleweed flowed like confetti, it was chaotic
and happy punters listening to free charity chugging musos doing their
stuff for the real causes in this life! What was I doing? How could I
rationalise such frivolity and sanction enjoyment like eating two Faberge
chocolate eggs.
To begin hell or heaven won’t hold any surprises. God will have
to do a pretty good show with his banjo to trump Arthur’s performance
tonight. My Kingdom come forever and ever after ad infinitum.
How do you top the zenith? And go beyond? I thought I may even be too
old to rock n roll but it was just before the gig nerves.This Nerve reviewing
lark can give you moths in the abdomen, insane cramps and knots in your
frog and stoat.
Was it as good for you as it was for me? Yes! Yes! Yes! I’ll have
what she’s having without the mayo hold the baloney! Music, madness,
mayhem, mime, theatre, dance, gurning, foreplay, then five play Coldplay
after play, sexual grunts, oddball comedy gyrations and, above all, superb
showmanship. Perfectionism, raw entertaining power, writ large without
the bulbs or flash of television's X Factor.
Arthur was a human happy bomb dropped on the people. Despite a tight
stage area and mass of theatrical stunts this guy bopped and danced, hopped,
skipped and jumped his way through two hours of fantastic music stuff.
A peace bomb of love and kindness, hippy shit 60s crapola, call it what
you will. It realised some basic human affection that comes out in song.
I watched grandpas gyrating shouting Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! footie chant
style! Young and old, together bopping. My initial cynicism melted away
in seconds as he entered the stage arena. I’d seen him on the balcony
and couldn’t muster up the nerve to go and interview him, in case
he was a cold- hearted professional. How wrong was I?
His message since the seminal Fire of the late 60s was loud as a bell
in full throat, classics old and new, crunched and urged us to action,
clapping and cheering, transfixed were we.
The warm acts, brilliant that they were, seemed like slow-motion to
this guy, who could breakdance like a twenty-year-old. What’s his
secret music is the message. It truly makes the world a happy place, more
sing sing and jaw jaw not war war!
Klatu narada vimto to you Gort!
This dehumanised trotbotnik humanoid, with too much of the city, and
its industrial working class swearing reverential style. I needed this
alternative injection from a travelling troubadour of times past. I was
already a fan, now I’m even more so.
And to those not here they can wait till they meet St Peter, Allah,
Satan or the last episode of the Archers, whichever is their Nirvana .
I’ve seen the future, the past and heard the prophet who foretold
it so well. Musically the best gig for a century in Liverpool.
The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown played in an unpronounceable named club
(Kazimer), sent energy and positive waves that were enough to soften an
old concrete jungle prolecult renegade and force him to learn to relisten
as a child again.
Aged about seven or so I glimpsed him on TV, and now forty years later
I’m seven again, twitching and twisting spasmodically to Fire. A
song so indelibly tattooed on my pre limbic non mammalian brain it goes
beyond the fight or flight reflexes. I can imagine Stonehenge rituals
druids nailing similar beats to their flock of Beltane pagans with magic
in the air.
All this despite an absence of drugs! Perhaps a salutary warning you
need to take drugs! Addictions and phobias, hysteria, irrationality is
good for you, so time for the captives to break free folks. The Hercule
Poirots amongst you may have surmised I liked this gig. Take a step forward
into the road. Like is not enough I want his babies, but I’ll settle
for a cd this Xmas.
Comment left by Rich Robinson on 25th October, 2013 at 15:44 Totally agree, being well old enough to remember the first appearance of Arthur on T.O.P I eagerly bought tickets for one of those "package" tours, The Crazy World being one of the acts on The Empire Liverpool I was bowled over then (being 17 at the time) now a more "mature"? 61 he Amazed me even more, and what a band..........nuff sed EXcellent night.