The Bill Hicks Story (15)
Directed by Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas
Screening at from 28th May 2010
Reviewed by
For once, the hype is justified. Bill Hicks really was "the outlaw
comic who tried to save the world". This fascinating, inspiring and
hilarious documentary tells his story in an innovative fashion, using
the recollections and photographs of many who were closest to him.
The man was a 'rock and roll comedian' in the early 1990s, when many
of the rock stars who did what he demanded and played "from their
fucking heart" were killing themselves with drugs. So it was no coincidence
that Hicks did the same, dying from cancer at the tragically early age
of thirty-two, a process which was likely helped along by his abuse of
his own body, and his liver in particular. But his brief candle burned
with ferocious intensity, and he left behind an extraordinary body of
work, some highlights of which are featured here.
Having said that, it's possible you've never heard any of his stuff.
He was the archetypal 'cult' figure; largely shunned by a US media that
couldn't take his brutal dissection of the American dream. The advertisers
he advised to commit suicide instead put pressure on programme makers,
and Hicks didn't get the exposure he certainly merited. However, he became
wildly popular in the UK, where people who were far enough removed from
that horror could appreciate the signs of what was coming their way.
It's quite easy to imagine what Hicks would be railing against these
days. Swap Bush the Second for Bush the First, Obama for Clinton, Jonas
Brothers for New Kids On The Block, and multiply the insanity by about
five. But no review can do justice to the scope of his craft, from spontaneous
rants (in E-minor or otherwise) and angry denunciations of all in authority,
to sprawling monologues which grasped for ideas that might change the
world. His love for humanity fought it out with his misanthropy, and watching
what he gave us remains an enthralling experience.