Delta Saxophone Quartet

Hope University, Shaw Street
16th October 2014
Reviewed by
Thirty years on the road Delta Saxophone Quartet are serious musicians
who individually moonlight in the West End and tour with Kylie Minogue.
Anyone can see what they do takes impressive discipline and practice but
it’s this work ethic that seems to come before the music. Like a
maths teacher saying, “Let me see your working out”, DSQ are
showing us theirs. It’s getting in the way of the music. Nothing
seems to flow. Discordant, abrupt, haphazard. The four sax fight each
other preventing harmony breaking out and when it does quickly douse it
with a jarring backbeat.
What sounds like anti-music is, in fact, prog-rock influenced, experimental
in structure and rhythm with demands most listeners are not prepared to
make. Maybe it is harder, too hard, to shift from fixed tastes in pop
and rock music to accept something new, unlike say, architecture were
buildings with plumbing on the outside are now old hat. Then again buildings
are not as personal as songs, are they?
Despite my lack of King Crimson and Soft Machine albums (influences of
the Quartet) I slowly find it less irritating then seamlessly found myself
inside ‘New York Counterpoint’, an incessant night drive along
the repetitive endless freeway where this empty world touches the lonely
The Delta Saxophone Quartet play music that makes you listen. A firm,
persistent, reflective experience I have since discovered on Spotify weaving
over and under, adding and subtracting, dividing the base by the height,
leaving all pipework exposed, and I am listening still….maybe for
the first time.
To read Joe Coventry's review