I Am Belfast (15)
by Mark Cousins
15th April - 19th April 2016
Reviewed by
Highly rated film critic Mark Cousins has assembled a contemplative paean
to his hometown of Belfast.
It is surreal, visually appealing (cinematographer Christopher Doyle
deserves praise for his vivid images of the countryside outside the urban
sprawl of the city), poetic as well as eccentric, but brutally honest
about the history of Belfast, notably 'The Troubles', sometimes described
as a 'guerrilla war' between Nationalists and Republicans over a thirty-year
period from 1968-1998.
Belfast is represented as a fictional wise elderly woman (Helena Bereen),
aged 10,000 years, who regularly ponders upon defining periods in its
history, both significant and mundane.
She states that her name Belfast means where 'salt meets sweet', which
aptly conveys the divisive nature of the place.
Cousins talks to her, as if she was a real person, which adds to the
colourful composition of the film.
I Am Belfast ends on a very odd note - not surprising coming from such
a talent as Cousins - when he devotes five minutes or so to the tale of
a woman who left her shopping at a bus stop, with Belfast standing next
to it as the bus sped away.
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