Nick Harper
Masque, Seel Street
12th March 2010
Photograph and review by
An effusive and lively crowd welcomed Nick Harper to the stage of the
Masque on Friday evening. The venue was buzzing, filled with an eclectic
mix of old time fans, thirty-something-year-old women, and a rowdy host
of scouse blokes who kept spirits high throughout the gig.
In reciprocal fashion, Nick played a blinding set, and could only be
described as a powerhouse. His voice was rootsy and inspired, his guitar
playing full of verve and energy. Nick managed to create an enormous sound
that filled out to all corners of the hall and that carried the weight
of a four piece rock n roll band. He sang a real variety of songs, including
'Evo', a tribute to Evo Morales, the Bolivian president who remains Nick's
'favourite footballer', and one entitled 'Treasure Island', about Liverpool
philanthropist Joseph Williamson.
The crowd shouted banter between songs, each one followed by rapturous
applause, hoots, screams and whistles. Harper was quick witted, confident
and relaxed; he gave back as good as he got and exhibited a genuine warmth
for the Liverpool crowd, who he addressed at one point saying, 'I love
you lot, you mad fuckers!'
Nick Harper certainly lived up to his name as an incredible live act
and guitar virtuoso. Be sure to stick his next Liverpool gig at the very
top of your 'to do' list.
To read Amy's interview with Nick Harper
Comment left by tank cripps on 23rd March, 2010 at 16:44 thanks for the photos and great review. my first time in liverpool, fell in love straight away and nick is right ,you are mad f*****s