Razing Lives
Alicia Rose
Blackburne House, Blackburne Place
4th - 28th May 2010
Reviewed by
Alicia Rose’s exhibition in Blackburne House is an intense experience.
The pictures have a kind of rawness to them. With a keen eye for detail,
the photographer depicts a Kensington that no longer exists. While the
pictures were shown in Blackburne House, the demolition of many of these
houses was carried out. These pictures are history and a souvenir of the
past. In all the sadness there is a strange kind of beauty in these pictures
that touches the heart.
If you are interested in keeping the heart of communities and houses
with a soul, you might want to come to one of the markets in Cairns Street.
The community round Cairns Street face the same problems like Kensington
but decided to resist and make their street more green.
They hold a market every first Saturday of the month. Plants, homemade
cakes and bread, lovely stuff to sell. Have you got a bike that needs
a bit of work done? No problem, you can even get it fixed for free.
Street Market in Cairns Street, L8, off Princess Road. The next market
is on the 5th of June.
Razing Lives shows how the demolition ruins lives and the heart.
Comment left by gerard herd on 18th June, 2010 at 11:21 this seems more like an ad for Cairns Street market....