Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

11th April - 21st April 2014
Reviewed by
‘I loved it , it was so funny, and scary’
- Lillie, aged 5 (6 in August)
‘I liked all of it, especially Snow White,
the prince and muddles’ - Bobbi aged 8
The Theatre Royal St Helens plays host to ‘Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs’ over Easter.
It had all the usual panto. Lots of boos, hoorays, lots of audience participation.
The usual adult innuendos, which gladly for me as a parent in the audience
went over the kids heads.
Great costumes, some good sets and sing along tunes. All the cast gave
it their all, most notably, Liam Mellor as Muddles.
My only criticism is that the star of the show should surely have been
Snow White, but Charlotte Gallagher in the role barely went through the
motions. She was dull, lacked enthusiasm, and hardly made an effort to
engage the audience.
Having said that the rest of the cast played enthusiastic goodies and
baddies and the kids loved every minute of it during the whole two hours
of the show, cheering, booing, singing and dancing.
Great for kids from age 3 to 13.