Author: John Owen

A Clockwork Orange

John Owen reviews the stage adaption of Anthony Burgess’ novel, A Clockwork Orange, performed by the Everyman Repertory Company at the Everyman Theatre until 12th July.

Workhouse to Worship

John Owen reviews Workhouse to Worship, the exhibition to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral, on at Central Library Hornby Room till 29th September.

Momentum Conference

John Owen reports on the Momentum Conference held in the Florrie Centre with the aim of rejuvenating the Labour movement after Jeremy Corbyn’s victory.

Interview with SUS director Ed Barrett

John Owen interviews Ed Barrett, the director of the play SUS, originally penned by the long good Friday screenplay writer Barrie Keefe about the arrest and interrogation of an innocent black man before the 1979 election of Thatcher, depicting the changing times and new moral codes coming into play.