Latest on the Workers Theatre Movement Project
Updates on the Workers Theatre Movement Project leading up to the play Unity which will be performed at Hope Street Theatre on June 6th – 8th.
Updates on the Workers Theatre Movement Project leading up to the play Unity which will be performed at Hope Street Theatre on June 6th – 8th.
Valley Theatre are auditioning for actors for a play to be performed at the Leverhulme Drama Festival in April and at Hope Street Theatre in June.
Updates from the Workers Theatre Movement Project Team about the play project taking place at Hope Street Theatre in June 2025.
Valley Community Theatre’s Festive pantomime this year is “Jack and the Beanstalk”, running from Saturday 11th January 2025 to Sunday 12th January 2025.
Veolia Exposed – Despite denials, they ARE incinerating waste in Garston!
Update from the Workers Theatre Movement Project Team about the play project taking place at Hope Street Theatre in 2025.
Wanted: groups, writers, actors and all interested in grassroots theatre for “Workers Playtime”, an exciting new grassroots theatre opportunity culminating in 3 nights of performance at Hope Street Theatre.
From Dingle to Delhi, the autobiography of local hero Jack Lindo, written when he was 82, has been given a makeover in a new, extended edition of the local history classic.
Valley Theatre are auditioning for their popular annual Panto, Jack and the Beanstalk, on Monday 30th September at Valley Community Theatre.
Transition Liverpool will be hosting their annual gathering on Saturday 5th October and the theme this year is ‘Retrofitting Liverpool’.
Following on from their success last year with “They All Came Tumbling Down” a play about the struggle to knock down the notorious Netherley Flats, Valley Theatre are continuing their tradition of staging entertaining plays with a social edge with their latest production: “Lifestyle Choice? My A**e!”.
On 7th June, students from Liverpool University set up an encampment in Abercromby square, now renamed Alareer Square, in solidarity with the people of Palestine, and an unexpected consequence of this has been positive changes to the local ecology of the land around the tents.
A drama performance project about rough sleeping starts with rehearsal sessions on Monday April 29th at 7pm at Valley Community Theatre,
Into the Light is an exhibition of the artist Jamie Reid (1947 – 2023) who was graphic designer for the Sex Pistols and much else, starting Feb 28th – March 29th at the John Lennon Art and Design Building, 2 Duckinfield Street, L3 5RD.
Actors are wanted for a play “Tramp and the Lady”, written by Bob Towers, to be performed at the Leverhulme Drama Festival, Port Sunlight in April 2024.
Valley Community Theatre are looking for an original short play to take to the Leverhulme Drama festival at the Gladstone Theatre in April of 2024.
On Sunday 22nd a massive protest of solidarity with Palestine chanted its way through the city with upwards of 2000 people there in fine glorious weather.
We are having a night to remember the life of Colin Serjent at the Pilgrim Pub on Wednesday 11th October from 6pm.
The folks at Valley Theatre offer their latest event for this year’s popular Liverpool Fringe, a showcase of original short plays by Merseyside writers.
A new banner made by David Jaques for UNITE Community branch 567 will be unfurled on Saturday 15th July, with the screening of a new short film celebrating the occasion.
It is with a heavy heart that we write to tell you that Colin Serjent, stalwart of Nerve Magazine for twenty years, passed away at the weekend aged 70.
Coming soon to Valley Community Theatre…”They All Came Tumbling Down”, the story of the notorious Netherley flats.
Tom McLennan will be reading his poems at Phase One, 40 Seel Street on Wednesday 28th June as part of Give Poetry a Chance.
The hunt is on for 2 pieces of art which once graced the old Speaker’s Platform at the Pier Head designed by the sculptor Arthur Dooley and architect Jim Hunter to mark the 125th anniversary of the founding of the TUC.
Auditions take place for “They All Came Tumbling Down: the Story of the Netherley Flats” on Monday 8th May at Valley Theatre.
Following on from last year’s sell out performance in the city centre, a new production of this play is to be performed from 21st-23rd April at Valley Community Theatre, Childwall Valley Road, Liverpool, before heading for London.
Liverpool Anarchist Bookfair is back for a fantastic fifth time this Saturday 18th March at the Black-e, Great George Street.
Stone On Stone, a new play about James Larkin’s time in the notorious Sing Sing prison and his relationship with Charlie Chaplin, coming to the Epstein Theatre on 24th and 25th March.
Coming soon to Valley Theatre, the great value festive panto “Babes in the Wood”, from Friday 13th to Sunday 15th January 2023.
Episode 12, the final episode in story of Harry Constable, looks at the inspirational people from Harry’s life.
In Episode 11 the fight for union democracy comes to a head as thousands of ‘White’ Transport & General Workers’ Union) members decamp to the ‘Blue’ (National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers Union).
Millions of us won’t be able to afford our energy bills this winter so Don’t Pay, a grassroots campaign opposing the rise in energy bills, are organising for a strike on 1st December.
In Episode 10 it’s 1951 and six dockers, including Harry, are arrested and charged with conspiring to incite workers to strike.
In Episode 9 Harry and other unofficial union organisers are instructed by union leaders not to coordinate unofficial strikes.
In Episode 8 it’s 1945 and Harry has become a registered docker. With the war in Europe finished, dock employers go on the attack. Dockers react by striking and the new Labour government sends in the troops.
In Episode 7 times are tough, Harry gets casual jobs on the docks before going ‘On the Road’ to find work and then joining the army as a sapper.
Episode 6, in October 1936 Mosley tried to march his men through the East End of London. The words on everyone’s lips were “enough is enough” and a quarter of million people gathered to block him.
Liverpool Don’t Pay, a grassroots campaign opposing the rise in energy bills. is organising for a strike on 1st December.
Episode 5, with rats, lice and infestations and only one toilet, there was a constant danger of disease in the overcrowded house where the Constables lived.
In Episode 4 Harry suffers corporal punishment which adds to his sense of injustice and helps shape his outlook on life.
In Episode 3 Harry learns the history and culture of the East End, about the struggles for freedom of those who had sought asylum in the area.
Episode 2, getting employment on the docks was never easy and the work was often dangerous. In the family women, who were the main organisers, visibly aged long before their time.
Christopher Eccleston is the voice of Harry Constable. In this first episode of Harry’s life he speaks of his birth in the docklands of Wapping and his Irish republican family.
Coming soon a series of podcasts telling the story of Harry Constable, the unofficial dockers’ leader in the 1940s and 50s, read by Christopher Eccleston and Eithne Browne, and based on recordings compiled by Bill Hunter.
Beyond Binary is an autobiographical performance from the perspective of Little Doll, aka Jay Farley, at the Unity Theatre on Friday 16th September.
The Other Side of The Wall, a poem by Tom George about division and building bridges.
Chrissy Ashby, a local Arriva bus driver on why he is striking.
Writers Mark O’Brien and John Cresswell are fundraising to produce a play based on Mark’s book about the Peasant’s Revolt of 1381: When Adam Delved and Eve Span.
Valley Community Theatre in Netherley will be opening its doors to three nights of original short drama from talented local writers from around the city.
FestiValley ’22, the Valley Theatre Festival of original short drama, takes place from 27th – 29th May at the Valley Community Theatre.
Liverpool Against the Arms Fair is organising a rally against arms sales on Friday 1st April outside the Law Courts in Derby Square when two local activists face trial for a spray paint protest against the controversial Arms Fair last October.
The story of Edward Rushton, the Liverpool poet and anti-slavery campaigner is being released in weekly instalments, this week, The Impetuous Temperament.
The story of Edward Rushton, the Liverpool poet and anti-slavery campaigner is being released in weekly instalments, this week, Democracy and Parliamentary Reform.
The story of Edward Rushton, the Liverpool poet and anti-slavery campaigner is being released in weekly instalments, this week, The Fire of English Liberty, a poem by Rushton denouncing the loss of liberty.
On 30th October 2021, collectives in Liverpool welcomed a group of special, rebel visitors from abroad: a delegation of the Autonomous Zapatista Communities and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) in Chiapas.