Local Art News

67’s Militant Dance

Interview with the band 67, who are one of Liverpool’s hidden treasures. Formed by Mick Hurst they have kept a low profile but their appearances, often at benefit nights, have left a mark on anyone lucky enough to be there.

The Poster Boy of Liverpool Music

The posters promoting any creative scene can become more iconic than the artists themselves. This is true of Liverpool’s Sean Wars whose distinct style has attracted attention to the local and national DIY scene for a number of years.

Birdman of Liverpool

A profile of wildlife artist Anthony Smith, an award winning wildlife artist living and working in Liverpool.

Artist Profile - Steve Lamb

Profile of the photographer Steve Lamb, who describes his style as Modern Urban Photography, including elements of street photography.

A poem inspired by this beautifully evocative sketch, gifted to me by local artist Felicity Wren, and in celebration of the old dock road, Liverpool’s Regent Road, reflecting on what remains of its past, as it is rapidly swallowed up.

A Revival in Vinyl

“Kids today don’t know that much about Vinyl” states Martin Gore of Depeche Mode. But the joke is on the older folk as it’s the kids that are bringing back the Vinyl and losing interest in the remastered, high quality MP3s or CDs of today.

Glorybox Photography

Glorybox Photography, founder of the Eclipse Dark Room in Liverpool, is the city’s only public access traditional photography space.

Creating Collages

Philip Hayes writes about how he began making collages, drawing on the wealth of material I was amassing at the Picket music venue in Liverpool.

A song by Ritchie Hunter about Bob Lambert, who is probably the most notorious of the undercover police spies who infiltrated completely legitimate protest and campaigning groups.

Welcome to Paradise Road

Welcome to Paradise Road is a play written by Brian Coyle and set in a society where nothing is private and no one knows who to trust, on tour around Liverpool on 5th, 8th, 9th, 13th and 14th April.

Joe Hill 100 years

Events in Liverpool in November to celebrate Joe Hill, the songwriter and union activist, who was executed by the state of Utah 100 years ago.

Liverpool Radical Film Festival 2015

The Liverpool Radical Film Festival is on from Oct 22nd to 25th and they will be screening a range of powerful films covering such issues as the deaths of black people in police custody, abuses against the Kurdish population in Turkey and the most relevant British band of today Sleaford Mods.