To those who wake in the night worrying about the climate crisis
Colin Watts gives some poetic advice, to those who wake in the night worrying about the climate crisis.
Colin Watts gives some poetic advice, to those who wake in the night worrying about the climate crisis.
Sandra Gibson looks at the Doomsday Clock, a surrealist image of the quarter-to-midnight sector of a clock with the time adjusted to reflect human-made threats to the Earth.
Rob Harrison reflects on Rachel Carson, the sixties, and its environmental and musical legacy.
Katy Brown reports on the progress of the Emergency Active Travel scheme on Merseyside, with help from Don Naylor of Liverpool Friends of the Earth, as the group tries to ensure the changes are brought in ready for the long haul.
Face masks are all the rage now, to protect us from something we can’t see, but that can lead to death, Tom Bottle discusses how their use highlights another silent killer: Air Pollution.
Frank Kennedy of Friends of the Earth responds to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s stance on the Climate Emergency with FoE’s own Climate Action Plan for Metro Mayors.
Ted Seagreave compares our capacity for strength in the face of adversity with the ability of trees to draw on hidden depths through tough conditions, but warns that we also need wisdom and vision, in order to preserve the Earth for future generations.
Joe Coventry reports in depth on the relentless impact air and noise pollution from the port has on those living nearby.
David Greygoose puts our short lives in perspective, and celebrates the longevity and life-giving properties of trees.
Tom Bottle expounds the virtues of wood as a building material, and its potential to replace concrete and help reduce the construction industry’s huge environmental impacts.
Annie Merry of Faiths4Change introduces its Roots in the City Partnership Project.
Katy Brown reports on August’s day of action to ‘Axe Drax’ as campaigners in Liverpool and across the North make the reasonable demand that trees be left in the ground.
As we destroy nature, we ultimately destroy ourselves, as this poem by David Greygoose so eloquently demonstrates.
Dr Thomas Phillips introduces the Capitalocene, and Rojava’s model of ecologically conscious democratic confederalism.
Colin Watts celebrates young climate strikers around the world.
Nadia Baha writing from Vienna brings us up to date on the response in Austria to the Climate Emergency.
A veritable lament on the state of the world, by Cassius James.
Luke Jackson-Bluglass introduces Earth Strike Merseyside and its anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist analysis, and response to the climate crisis.
Colin Watts poetically explores the darker side of humanity’s relationship with the sea.
News from Nowhere give us their round-up of recommended environmental reads for 2020.
A poem by Ted Seagrave, on what we can see if we really open our eyes to nature.
Colin Serjent reports on how feeding up our feathered friends has helped boost their numbers.
“It took me four billion years to produce enough oxygen for life and now you’ve squandered nearly all of it in little more than two hundred thousand.” The Earth’s musings on mankind, by Colin Watts.
With some people still shielding indoors, and others not having access to a garden or allotment, Sandra Gibson, introduces the solution of Indoor Gardening.
Profile of the photographer Norman Gibson who enjoys nothing more than being out in the world recording the landscape around him.
Colin Serjent reports that plans to restrict cars in the Lake District were underway long before lock-down restrictions were imposed.
Ritchie Hunter looks at the issue of private land ownership after the Duke of Buccleuch, the second largest private landowner in Britain, stymied the plans of a group of Scottish villagers to rewild nearby moors.
Mel Costello gives a poetic commentary on the consequences of our throwaway attitude towards plastic.
Arthur Rowland introduces Plastic Tactics, a social enterprise which is building a People-Powered Plastic Playground in Picton, and making it easier for people to make new things from old plastic in Merseyside.
One Boy Stood in the Field – A poem by David Greygoose
Katy Brown speaks to Patrick Auth from YouthStrike4Climate Liverpool with photos by Tracey Dunn of YouthStrikers at St. Georges Hall.
Colin Serjent turns up the volume on a much heard but little discussed issue: noise-pollution.
Ed Gommon, founder of Zero Carbon Liverpool explains how the North can be a powerhouse for change by implementing the Green New Deal right now.
No history of the modern environmental movement would be complete without Rachel Carson. Sandra Gibson demonstrates how she combined scientific rigour with empathy to challenge the anthropocentric status quo.
Anthony McCarthy takes us back in time to reveal that environmentalism is nothing new.
The importance of access to outdoor space and nature for all has come to the fore during the current crisis. Josie Mullen highlights repeated attempts to destroy green spaces on Merseyside, and the strength of opposition and resistance to such plans.
Ros Rice of Extinction Rebellion Liverpool writes about her experience of becoming part of the ‘XR’ movement.
Jane Hammett puts the threatened future of Oglet Shore in context, written in light of the current pandemic and its likely impact on the aviation industry.
Colin Serjent brings us some environmental news stories – good and bad – from around the world.
Sandra Gibson in a follow up to Beauty and the Beast, her piece examining environmental grief, gives us some insight into how with hope, honesty and humility we can shift our paralysis into action and resilience.
And now for a bit of light relief, Rob Harrison presents the top twenty-one in his all-time Apocalypse Jukebox.
Minnie Stacey looks at the environmental impacts of the US military.
Between corporate propaganda and conspiracy theories, David Routley takes a rational look at the risks associated with 5G.
Andrew Żywności of Liverpool Food Not Bombs explains the philosophy of the group and how food waste is a serious environmental problem.
Anton Dolders gives us his poetic – and artistic – response to climate change.
Jane Hammett appeals for the protection of rural gem Oglet Shore and surrounding Greenbelt land from rapacious development.
Sandra Gibson examines environmental grief and how it affects us of us, albeit in different ways.
Stuart Bennett explains why Rimrose Valley Country Park, the biggest park in the city region, is under threat from the proposed link between the Port of Liverpool and the nearby motorway network.
Katy Brown introduces Nerve’s Special Environmental Crisis Issue.
The Lucas Plan was a bold endeavour by workers to swap from designing and making weapons of war, to socially useful products such as wind turbines, kidney machines and electric cars.
Katy Brown uncovers the Orwellian world of ‘sustainable’ biomass ‘renewable’ energy production, and how Liverpool finds itself once again complicit in a harmful transatlantic trade.
Liverpool’s Repair Café, which takes place at Does Liverpool on a monthly basis. is a café that is fighting back against the throwaway culture and waste of resources that go into the production of new items.
Paul Riley writes about Transition Liverpool, part of an international movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world.