The Conquest Of The South Pole
Colin Serjent reviews the play The Conquest Of The South Pole, on at the Everyman Theatre until 8th April.
Colin Serjent reviews the play The Conquest Of The South Pole, on at the Everyman Theatre until 8th April.
Colin Serjent reviews the musical Fiddler On The Roof, which is on at the Everyman Theatre until 11th March.
Colin Serjent reviews the play Night Light, performed at the Capstone Theatre.
Pete Clarke reviews the production of Doctor Faustus, performed by Brimstone Theatre at The Black-E.
Colin Serjent reviews the play Still Here, about effects of dementia on the sufferers as well as on the relatives and friends, which was performed at The Casa.
Ashley McGovern reviews Burjesta Theatre’s production of Crime And Punishment, on at the Casa till the 18th November.
Colin Serjent reviews the play Heads Will Roll, being performed at the Liverpool Everyman till November 12th.
Colin Serjent reviews the production of The Woman In Black, which is being performed at the Liverpool Playhouse till November 12th.
Colin Serjent reviews the play The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning, performed by Youth Everyman Playhouse at Liverpool Playhouse Studio.
Colin Serjent reviews William Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen Of Verona, on at the Liverpool Everyman until 29th October.
Ashley McGovern reviews the play Happy Hour, which was performed at the Unity Theatre by Tmesis Theatre Company.
Colin Serjent reviews the play by Sheridan The Rivals, which is on at the Playhouse Theatre till 29th October.
Colin Serjent reviews Just An Ordinary Lawyer: A Play, With Songs about the life of Tunji Sowande, the first black judge in British history, on at the Liverpool Playhouse Studio till 8th October.
Lynda-Louise Tomlinson reviews the event Ticket To Write, the annual celebration of original works written about the Beatles, performed at the Unity Theatre.
Colin Serjent reviews the play Shakespeare, His Wife And The Dog, on at the Liverpool Playhouse Studio until 1st October.
Colin Serjent reviews the play RIP Mr Shakespeare, performed by Hand In Hand Theatre Company
at St George’s Hall.
Darren Guy reviews the play Diary of a Hounslow Girl, performed at the Unity Theatre.
Joe Coventry reviews the play Raz, performed at the Unity Theatre.
Colin Serjent reviews the play Observe The Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme, on at the Playhouse till 25th June.
Colin Serjent reviews the play set in a not so far off world where a drought is causing devastation, Urinetown, which was performed at the Unity Theatre.
Ed Gommon reviews Mouse – The Persistence of an Unlikely Thought, the new show by Daniel Kitson, performed at the Liverpool Everyman.
Colin Serjent reviews the play The Complete Deaths which was performed at the Playhouse Theatre and features all the on-stage deaths in Shakespeare’s works.
Joe Coventry reviews Pleasure: A Chamber Opera, presented by Opera North, Royal Opera and Aldbergh Music at the Liverpool Playhouse.
Michael Kazich reviews the play Jumping The Barriers, performed by The Courtyard Players.
Colin Serjent reviews the play Going Viral, which was performed at the Unity Theatre.
Colin Serjent reviews the play The Lamellar Project, performed at the Unity Theatre.
Colin Serjent reviews Homer’s The Odyssey, being performed by Burjesta Theatre at the Casa till 16th April.
Colin Serjent reviews the play A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing, performed at the Liverpool Everyman from April 5th.
Colin Serjent reviews the adaption of John Buchan’s The 39 Steps, performed at the Playhouse Theatre.