Raise Our Banner High
A new banner made by David Jaques for UNITE Community branch 567 will be unfurled on Saturday 15th July, with the screening of a new short film celebrating the occasion.
A new banner made by David Jaques for UNITE Community branch 567 will be unfurled on Saturday 15th July, with the screening of a new short film celebrating the occasion.
Teachers, rail workers, museum and gallery workers, communication workers, creative workers, trade unions and many others came out for a march through Liverpool yesterday.
RMT train strike picket at Lime Street railway station (or How Avanti West Coast literally make me ill!)
Episode 12, the final episode in story of Harry Constable, looks at the inspirational people from Harry’s life.
In Episode 11 the fight for union democracy comes to a head as thousands of ‘White’ Transport & General Workers’ Union) members decamp to the ‘Blue’ (National Amalgamated Stevedores and Dockers Union).
In Episode 10 it’s 1951 and six dockers, including Harry, are arrested and charged with conspiring to incite workers to strike.
In Episode 9 Harry and other unofficial union organisers are instructed by union leaders not to coordinate unofficial strikes.
In Episode 8 it’s 1945 and Harry has become a registered docker. With the war in Europe finished, dock employers go on the attack. Dockers react by striking and the new Labour government sends in the troops.
In Episode 7 times are tough, Harry gets casual jobs on the docks before going ‘On the Road’ to find work and then joining the army as a sapper.
Episode 6, in October 1936 Mosley tried to march his men through the East End of London. The words on everyone’s lips were “enough is enough” and a quarter of million people gathered to block him.
Episode 5, with rats, lice and infestations and only one toilet, there was a constant danger of disease in the overcrowded house where the Constables lived.
Liverpool’s Freeport will stretch 45 kilometres, from the Wirral to Skelmersdale, from Runcorn to Salford and will include John Lennon Airport.
In Episode 4 Harry suffers corporal punishment which adds to his sense of injustice and helps shape his outlook on life.
In Episode 3 Harry learns the history and culture of the East End, about the struggles for freedom of those who had sought asylum in the area.
Episode 2, getting employment on the docks was never easy and the work was often dangerous. In the family women, who were the main organisers, visibly aged long before their time.
Christopher Eccleston is the voice of Harry Constable. In this first episode of Harry’s life he speaks of his birth in the docklands of Wapping and his Irish republican family.
Coming soon a series of podcasts telling the story of Harry Constable, the unofficial dockers’ leader in the 1940s and 50s, read by Christopher Eccleston and Eithne Browne, and based on recordings compiled by Bill Hunter.
Photos and video by Tracey Dunn of the Enough Is Enough march in Liverpool on 20th August 2022.
Chrissy Ashby, a local Arriva bus driver on why he is striking.
Dead Pigeon Gallery presents Dockers – The ‘95 to ‘98 Liverpool Lockout, a documentary photography exhibition by Dave Sinclair of the Liverpool dockers strike.
The Lucas Plan was a bold endeavour by workers to swap from designing and making weapons of war, to socially useful products such as wind turbines, kidney machines and electric cars.
28th April is International Workers Memorial Day, when annually around the world those who have lost their lives in the work place are remembered, while safety in the workplace – or lack of it – is highlighted to protect the living.
Interview with a Deliveroo Courier in Liverpool.
Roovolt: Deliveroo couriers in Liverpool taking solidarity action.
Night cover plans have been postponed at Liverpool City Centre and Wallasey Fire Stations but cuts to the service are still being imposed with a new crewing duty system introduced.
Ritchie Hunter reports on campaign to stop Fire Stations in Liverpool City Centre and Wallasey from being closed for 12 hours at night.
Feature by Lisa Worth on the strike at Cammell Lairds in 1984, in which she interviews Eddie Marnell, a shop steward at that time, who is still campaigning for justice.
Come together to celebrate International Workers Day and protest against the Tory cuts being implemented by Labour Councils!
1 Day Without Us is a National Day of Action on 20th Feb 2017 to celebrate the contribution of migrants to the UK, to coincide with UN World Day of Social Justice.
Sonia tells of her experience of coming from Europe to live in Liverpool and work at one of the Albert Docks most expensive hotel.
Staff and students have united against cuts, as the management of Liverpool City College continue to attack the conditions of staff.
Recent gains by workers in low paid, precarious jobs, show they are getting organised.
Report by Minnie Stacey on the session at the Momentum conference at Liverpool’s Black-E where tough questions about Trade Unions in the 21st century and the challenges they face were addressed.
Founded in 1905 and known by many as The Wobblies, IWW is an international union with 100 years of history in class struggle.