Finvola Dunphy is a new contributor to Nerve. This is a poem about her views on democracy.
As a young person attempting to keep up with the tumultuous political scene, I quickly became disillusioned. The out-of-touch comments from London-centric politicians who are more concerned with political point scoring than resolving pressing issues, seem wholly removed from the electorate.
I tune in regularly to ‘Prime Minister’s Questions’ naively expecting organised debate and lively political discussion on matters concerning the whole of the United Kingdom. Instead, I am punctually met with a rowdy circus of evasions and sneering remarks that are not only immature but utterly insensitive in the wake of increasing homelessness and a desperate NHS.
It seems to me that those politicians who campaign for justice are the most corrupt. Those who preach about truth are lying through their teeth. Nigel Farage guaranteed £350m to the NHS after Brexit and yet, on the day of the election result declared his pledge a mistake!
There is a mass feeling of political injustice among British citizens and it is easy to see why. It is for this reason that the newspaper snapshots of Farage with his beer and Boris on his bike failed to amuse on my commute to work as I pass street after street of people sleeping rough. I wrote this poem expressing these sentiments.
I am by no means, suggesting that the whole of Westminster is unscrupulous but I would rather save the pub photos for reality TV stars.
House of Commons
House of Lords
Leaders, Members
Committee boards
Voting. ‘Hear!’
A big fat room of
Shout louder!
Stamp your feet
Puff out your chest
Avoid defeat.
Go on then…
‘To EU Membership!’
Tutt tutt cheer
‘Fuck the penmanship!’
Write it down
Quick before they…
What? You think we’re…
Chit Chit hearsay…
Order! Order!
Let’s be civil.
The right honourable man
has important drivel
Tick tick tock
Our time has ended
That’s work done
Do you think we offended?
Oh who cares
A beer Farage?
We’ll meet the commoners
On Mama’s old barge
Cigarette Boris?
Now get ready
Watch the problems rise
like the smoky eddie.
Same tomorrow?
You sly old fox!
Well as long as votes
Are in the ballot box
Ding Ding Ding
Round Two, here goes…
First strike Corbyn
May takes the blows
Order! Order!
The referee
Blows his whistle
As he sips his tea
No knock outs today?
Of course not old bean!
We’re much too demure
To make such a scene.
But aren’t we supposed to…
What? Find solutions?
Yes about…
What? Fucking noise pollutions!
No no m’colleague
You misunderstand
See, we’re just a distraction
So things go on as planned
Our little facade
Is a circus, a show
We’ve all be trained
In acting you know?
That’s how it is
How it always will be
So the peasants
Can go around shouting ‘We’re Free!’
Off you go boy
You’ve made it now
When you enter the house
Don’t forget to bow
Wave to the masses
Even throw in a wink
Let the media pounce
Then we’ll go for a drink
A Whiskey for you sir?
Er… Scotch for me
Ah isn’t this grand?
Good old Democracy.
Cynical, but true!