A Life in Activism

A Life in Activism

By Tracey Dunn

I was 1 of 18 women being interviewed for their activism for Women In Action by Collective Encounters. Our stories were turned into a performance (and online event) at Liverpool Museum for Women’s Day 2022. Mine and the other women’s links are here to listen to – audio.maydayrooms.org

I have been an activist for most of my life..focusing more recently on environmental activism. I usually make very short films and take photos and I sometimes collaborate with others to make longer films.

In the past I have made a film to protest homophobia, I made the first ever film on protesting the bedroom tax as Liverpool got active immediately it was announced and I made a film of the G20 Climate Camp in Bishopsgate, London.

I was filmed cutting up my census in 2011 and turned it into flowers for peace at FACT Liverpool and I have filmed and photographed Extinction Rebellion events in London and Liverpool and the Liverpool Youth Climate Strike marches.

I have most of my films archived In the North West Film Archives Manchester and will be archiving my photos in Liverpool Central library shortly.

Liverpool Youth Climate Strike March February 14 2020

Liverpool Youth Climate Strike March, 15th March 2019

The first Bedroom Tax film ever

My 2nd Bedroom Tax film

LGBTQ rights, crowds storm the barriers at The Dorchester Hotel London in anti Sultan of Brunei protest

Local Liverpool views of the Bedroom TAX 15 minutes film made with WEA

I turned my 2011 census into flowers for peace!

Climate Camp 2009 at Bishopsgate, London at the G20:

Extinction Rebellion London 2019 film

Video for save the flat iron green space


Save Liverpool Green Spaces

Save the Festival Gardens 2007 blog: http://violetmazeadventures.blogspot.com


  1. only just stumbled on this. great to see this up. why isn’t it shared on social media?


  2. Dazza..it was shared to Nerve facebook and twitter!!


  3. Great stuff Tracey. Keep fighting! x


  4. Well done for documenting activists from across the spectrum your own journalism aswell as active participation is what radical reporting is or should be all about. Taking time out to illuminate the great and minutae the personal and political the ever-changing universal struggle for change. More power to your camera lens. Stay safe health is wealth. Solidarity.


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