Environmental Change – Have you got the Nerve

Environmental Change - Have you got the Nerve

Your help is needed for the next Nerve magazine focusing on Environmental Campaigns and the Climate Emergency.

Call for articles and your input.

We have received some funding to publish a new edition of Nerve focusing on the Environment.

We want to produce this magazine collaboratively, so we are casting our net wide and are open to your input.

Get in touch if you are

  • Involved in campaigning on an environmental issue in your area.
  • Involved in a beautification project, alleyways and roadsides
  • Involved in protesting a building project in your area especially on parkland.
  • Involved in a major environmental campaign group
  • Involved in recycling projects in your area
  • Involved in cycling projects in your area
  • Involved in speed reduction projects in your area.

This isn’t an extensive list but just to give you a flavour of what we are interested in.

We want you to write articles and to submit them in the first instance for inclusion on the website, but then for consideration for inclusion in the magazine, when it comes out in spring next year.

If you are part of a campaigning group perhaps you would like to attend regular meetings for more active involvement in the editing process?

We want to bring all of these campaigns and issues together in a dedicated environmental issue of the magazine, to help these groups showcase their campaigns and help provide a forum from which mutual support can develop.

Please email us at nervemagazine@gmail.com or use the form below.


  1. What’s the deadline for submissions? things are a bit tight till after the GE


    1. Hi Joseph, that’s ok, we aren’t expecting to get the magazine out till sometime early in the New Year.


  2. Are you wiling to include articles discussing the opposing points of view (i.e. that its all bull****)?


    1. The deadline has now been extended to the end of March 2020.


  3. Do you have room for another article about the value of green spaces in cities? I would like to do something about Sefton and Princes Park, as wildlife havens and public amenities. I lived within a quarter mile of both parks for 30 years and did a few wildlife surveys there, so I know how the range of birds and animals to be found in the parks, and they way they’ve been managed, has changed.


  4. Where did you get your funding from?
    Why dont you disclose it?

    Are you willing to accept articles that speak out against the mass media physchological warfare that is the climate change / agenda 21 ?

    Let me know – ive lots of interesting material!


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