Screening of the film Burned, followed by Q&A

Screening of the film Burned, followed by Q&A

This Tuesday 11th August at 5.45pm Next To Nowhere is pleased to be co-hosting the following online event with Biofuelwatch and other organisations across the UK fighting the dirty destructive biomass industry.

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In the UK, about 10% of our renewable energy comes from “biomass”, but what is it and is it really renewable?

Join us LIVE watching Burned: Are Trees The New Coal? followed by a Q&A with key campaigners and activist. The format of the evening will be as follows: (all UTC+01)

17:45. The video call starts and introductions happen
18:00. The documentary begins screening as a YouTube live video. (don’t worry about keeping the link we will send it again in the chat of the video call)
18:45. The documentary ends, and we take a short break
19:00. The Q&A begins! This is a good time to find out about all the work going on right now about the issue.

If it would be easier for you, then you can just watch the documentary live and bypass the video call. To do that just wait for the YouTube video, and feel free to comment with questions instead.

A bit about Drax Power Station

Drax is the UK’s single largest carbon emitter, and emitted almost 13 million tonnes of CO2 from burning wood in 2019. Due to EU and UK laws that biomass is to be classed as “renewable”. However, it will take decades or even longer for new trees to be able to absorb the emissions produced by burning trees in Drax today. This is time which we do not have if we are to keep global temperature rises below 1.5

Drax also makes bold claims about being the first carbon negative power station through its pilot project to capture carbon emissions from its tree burning. Yet, this bioenergy with carbon capture and storage technology is unproven and even if it did work, it would lead to more forest destruction and increased carbon emissions.

To make this worse, Drax is now planning to build the UK’s biggest ever fossil gas power station!

If we can effectively transfer renewable subsidies from biomass burning to genuine renewables, then this can set a clean-energy precedent for other countries around the world. We must get the message out that large-scale tree burning is not a solution (also see here). Find out more about Drax and its crimes from Biofuelwatch.

We must Axe Drax before it is too late.

This film was made in 2017 by Alan Dater and Lisa Merton.

Want to get involved with the Axe Drax campaign? Join the telegram broadcast channel:

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