Period Poverty

Period Poverty

New Nerve feature writer/reviewer Charlotte Kenny discusses the period poverty topic. Following this there is a piece about the Binti fashion show launching new ‘Period Underwear.’

An estimated 137,700 girls have missed out on their education because they haven’t been able to afford sanitary products.

Period poverty is an issue amongst women around the world. Many women feel ashamed to admit that they are effected by period poverty because the menstrual cycle is such a taboo subject.

Plan International UK conducted a survey of 1000 young women and in the report which was published earlier this year, it shows:

  1. One in ten girls have not been able to afford sanitary products,
  2. One in seven girls have had to ask their friend for sanitary products as they couldn’t afford to pay for it themselves,
  3. 12% of girls had to improvise sanitary products as they couldn’t afford to pay for the real thing,
  4. One in five girls have changed to a less suitable sanitary product due to the cost.

Joanne Donnelly, co-ordinator of The Red Box Project, said: “The project provides free sanitary wear to those in need via red boxes which are located within schools. These red boxes are stocked with tampons, sanitary towels, knickers and wipes, ensuring that no young woman misses out because of their period.”

The Red Box Project have teamed up with two schools at present as well as having three community collection/donation points. The project are currently in the process of securing more funds therefore they can approach more schools.

There are also other organisations in order to put an end to period poverty called Bloody Good Period and The Homeless Period.

Scotland will begin to distribute sanitary products to young women within every school, college and university from August. Not only this but almost 20,000 women who come from a low-income family will be supported. To find out more about The Red Box Project, please visit their website –

Binti Fashion show launching new ‘PERIOD UNDERWEAR’

Announced Periods have gone mainstream with the tireless work that organisations like Binti have been doing both in the UK and across India. The Feminine hygiene products represent $35.4 billion opportunity worldwide.

That number is expected to top $40 billion globally in the next three years, according to Global Industry Analysts. The average woman has an estimated 500 menstrual cycles in her lifetime, and on average menstruates for over 30 years of her life. In India only 12% of women have access to menstrual products.

Over the past year, Binti has been working to create a product to fill that gap and create something that is affordable for all women which is highly absorbent, reusable, cost effective and will help girls and women menstruate with dignity. It will be launched alongside fashion collections designed for Binti at its fund raising event.

The exciting fashion show will be held at Chit Chaat Chai in London on Thursday the 28th of June. Binti International, UK is a young charity with a vision to create a world where all women have menstrual dignity. They setup projects for women to produce menstrual products. Their award winning menstrual education programme was labelled as one to watch in the Global Good Awards London May 2018.

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