12 Week Acting Course – Improvise-Devise-Perform

12 Week Acting Course - Improvise-Devise-Perform

Potentially Brilliant Productions – 12 Week Acting Course
Course Title: Improvise-Devise-Perform
Cost: Free
Location: The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool
Starts: Tues 13th Sept

Using material from a pre-existing script, ‘Exit Plan’, which looks at the effects of dementia on sufferers and carers alike and the alternative, often radical, plans that individuals come up with faced with dementia, the course will follow an outline of improvisational work leading to devised scenes and finishing with a finalised structure ready for performance ‘sharing’ at the end of the 12 weeks.

About the Course Leader –

The course will be led by Mikyla Jane Durkan who has worked as a theatre practitioner and director, both in the UK and abroad, over the previous 10 years and specialise in devising. She received a 1st class degree from Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts and has recently returned from Italy where she studied under Dario Fo.

This will be the first series of workshops for Potentially Brilliant Productions on a subject that affects millions of people in the UK today. No experience is necessary but you must be at least 18 years of age to take part.

Further workshop courses will be on offer throughout the year with workshops on ‘Understanding and Performing Shakespeare’ and ‘Greek Theatre – the Origins of Drama’.


To book a place or contact us for more information phone 07590 458 297 or alternatively you can turn up on Tuesday 13th, September at 7pm

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