Dead Pigeon Gallery Presents – David Sinclair – Dockers Exhibition

Dead Pigeon Gallery Presents - David Sinclair - Dockers Exhibition

Dead Pigeon Gallery Presents:

Dockers – The ‘95 to ‘98 Liverpool Lockout
Documentary Photography Exhibition by Dave Sinclair

‘In September 1995, 500 Mersey Dock and Harbour workers were sacked for not crossing a picket line set up by sacked Dockers from a small stevedore firm called Torside. They were then in dispute for two and a half years. Dave Sinclair supported and documented the dispute from the first to the last day.’

Without further ado Dead Pigeon Gallery present, ‘Dockers’ a short film by Harvey Morrison

The film shows snippets of a conversation we had with Dave Sinclair along with Joel Hansen from Scottie Press Newspaper, as Dave installed his work with Jodyanne Richardson at MP Dan Carden’s office.

It provides an insight into the daily work of a documentary photographer and a concise overview of the dispute itself. A crucial moment in working class history.

The work will be available for public viewing when it’s safe to do so and Dead Pigeon Gallery will make a further announcement at the time.

The video came about because they were unable to let people in, with this new route they’ve taken into commissioning film-making they aim to continue post pandemic so people who are unable to access the shows for other reasons are still able to participate at some level.

The film was supported by Dead Pigeon Gallery Patrons via Patreon and Arts Council England.

Music by Mel Bowen

For any further information please contact: jaynelawless7[at] and follow Dead Pigeon Gallery’s posts on social media.

Instagram: @deadpigeongallery
Twitter: @DeadPigeonG
Facebook: DeadPigeonGallery

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