Dead Pigeon Gallery in a little terraced house

Dead Pigeon Gallery in a little terraced house

With Homebaked Community Land Trust
189 Oakfield Road, Anfield, L4 0UF
From 11th – 14th October, 12am – 5pm

Dead Pigeon Gallery continues it’s journey across the City landing next at 189 Oakfield Rd, on the Anfield/Everton border, taking over one of the soon to be renovated houses by Homebaked Community Land Trust (CLT).

Two founder members of Dead Pigeon Gallery became involved with Homebaked in 2011 and where always struck by how many fellow artists had also come to light via the project – as Homebaked CLT reaches a pivotal moment in it’s history both projects felt now was the time to collaborate again.

Everyone included in this show has worked with or connected via both Homebaked CLT and the Homebaked Community Bakery, some have been bakers, board members, managers, counter assistants, highlighting the value of having artists on board at whatever level.

Jayne Lawless, artist curator and co-founder of Dead Pigeon Gallery says: ‘We’re proud of the cultural legacy that has grown out of Homebaked and Dead Pigeon Gallery has now invited artists back to take over this house to mark the end of a long journey to save the high street and a new sense of hope for the future. As artists who grew up in Everton and Anfield, we want to particularly highlight the wealth of creativity present in the everyday of our communities.’

Artists participating: Brad Barret, Janet Brandon, Maria Brewster, Fred Brown, Tim Brunsden, Peter Carney, Catherine Dalton, Jess Doyle, Grace Harrison, Jeanne Van Heeswijk, Tim Jeeves, Sam Jones, Britt Jurgensen, Jayne Lawless, Mark Loudon, Deborah Morgan, Louis Jeck Prestidge, Silent Sleep, Lena Simic, Jo Steel, Mia Tagg, Melissa Tennant, Ehsan Vaziri and Franny G Williams.

More Info:

Dead Pigeon Gallery
189 Oakfield Road, Anfield, L4 0UF
From 11th – 14th October, 12am – 5pm
Further viewings can be arranged throughout November and December

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