Night to Remember Colin

Night to Remember Colin

(Above photo of Colin Serjent by Minako Jackson)

We are having a night to remember the life of Colin Serjent at the Pilgrim Pub (34 Pilgrim St on Wednesday 11th October from 6pm.

If you’d like to contribute by reading a poem, saying a few words or playing music please get in touch in the form below or turn up on the night. Or if you have any photos of Colin please bring them along to share.

Colin was the arts editor of Nerve magazine, a founding member of Creative LETS and a director of Red Dot Art. Colin worked at Nerve Magazine as arts editor for 20 years writing reviews and artist profiles for the magazine and website. With Red Dot he put on exhibitions and workshops and helped to promote local artists.

Tribute to Colin Serjent
An appreciation of Colin Serjent’s photography by Sandra Gibson

Night to Remember Colin
Wednesday 11th October from 6pm

The Pilgrim, 34 Pilgrim St, Liverpool L1 9HB

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